Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/738

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 716

98 Stat. 2624.

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985 "(i) specification of the baseline production rate for each year of production of the program, defined as the production rate for each fiscal year through completion of procurement assumed in the decision to proceed with production (commonly referred to as the "Milestone III" decision); "(ii) specification of the production rate for each fiscal year through completion of procurement assumed in the cost-effectiveness analysis prepared in conjunction with the decision to proceed with full-scale engineering development (commonly referred to as the "Milestone II" decision); "(iii) specification of the maximum production rate for each year of production under the program, defined as the production rate for each fiscal year through completion of procurement attainable with the facilities and tooling currently programmed to be available for procurement under the program or otherwise provided by Government funds; "(iv) specification of the current production rate for each year of production, defined as the production rate for the fiscal year during which the report is submitted and the annual production rate currently programmed for each subsequent fiscal year through completion of procurement, based on the President's Budget for the following fiscal year; "(v) estimation of any cost variance— "(I) between the program acquisition unit cost at the current production rate specified under clause (iv) and the program acquisition unit cost at the baseline production rate specified under clause (i); and "(II) between the total program cost at the current production rate specified under clause (iv) and the total program cost at the baseline production rate specified under clause (i); "(vi) estimation of any cost variance— "(I) between the program acquisition unit cost at the current production rate specified under clause (iv) and the program acquisition unit cost at the maximum production rate specified under clause (iii); and "(II) between the total program cost at the current production rate specified under clause (iv) and the total program cost at the maximum production rate specified under clause (iii); and "(vii) estimation of any schedule or delivery variance— "(I) between total quantities assumed in the baseline production rate specified under clause (i) and the current production rate specified under clause (iv); and "(II) total quantities assumed in the maximum production rate specified under clause (iii) and the current production rate specified under clause (iv). "(4) Selected Acquisition Reports for the first quarter of a fiscal year shall be known as comprehensive annual Selected Acquisition Reports.". SEC. 1202. BASE CLOSURES AND REALIGNMENTS (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 2687 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: