Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/795

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-145—NOV. 8, 1985

99 STAT. 773

tion project if the total estimated cost for such planning and design does not exceed $2,000,000. (2) In any case in which the total estimated cost for such planning and design exceeds $300,000, the Secretary shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress in writing of the details of such project at least 30 days before any funds are obligated for design services for such project. (b) SPECIFIC AUTHORITY REQUIRED.—In any case in which the total estimated cost for advance planning and construction design in connection with any construction project exceeds $2,000,000, funds for such design must be specifically authorized by law. SEC. 1526. AUTHORITY FOR EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION DESIGN

In addition to the advance planning and construction design authorized by section 1512, the Secretary may perform planning and design utilizing available funds for any Department of Energy defense activity construction project whenever the Secretary determines that the design must proceed expeditiously in order to meet the needs of national defense or to protect property or human life.

Ante, p. 767.


Subject to the provisions of appropriation Acts, amounts appropriated pursuant to this title for management and support activities and for general plant projects are available for use, when necessary, in connection with all national security programs of the Department of Energy. SEC. 1528. ADJUSTMENTS FOR PAY INCREASES

Appropriations authorized by this title for salary, pay, retirement, or other benefits for Federal employees may be increased by such amounts as may be necessary for increases in such benefits authorized by law. SEC. 1529. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS

When so specified in an appropriation Act, amounts appropriated for "Operating Expenses" or for "Plant and Capital Equipment" may remain available until expended. PART C—PROGRAM REVISIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 1531. GENERAL REDUCTION

The total amount that may be appropriated pursuant to the authorizations in this title is the amount equal to the sum of the amounts authorized in this title reduced by $32,280,000. Of such reduction— (1) $10,000,000 shall be derived from funds for acquisition of automated data processing and computer equipment; (2) $14,000,000 shall be derived from savings from management initiatives; and (3) $8,280,000 shall be derived from proposed rescission R85-80. SEC. 1532. COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS

(a) FINAL SETTLEMENT.—Subject to the provisions of appropriation

Acts, the Secretary of Energy is authorized to obligate during fiscal

Contract. Tennessee. 42 USC 2391 note.