Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/867

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985


PUBLIC LAW 99-158—NOV. 20, 1985 a vacancy for an unexpired term shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. A member may serve after the expiration of the member's term until a successor has taken office. If a vacancy occurs in an Advisory Board, the Secretary shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy not later than 90 days from the date the vacancy occurred. "(e) The members of each Advisory Board shall select a chairman from among the appointed members. "(f) The Secretary shall, after consultation with and consideration of the recommendations of an Advisory Board, provide the Advisory Board with an executive director and one other professional staff member. In addition, the Secretary shall, after consultation with and consideration of the recommendations of the Advisory Board, provide the Advisory Board with such additional professional staff members, such clerical staff members, such services of consultants, such information, and (through contracts or other arrangements) such administrative support services and facilities, as the Secretary determines are necessary for the Advisory Board to carry out its functions. "(g) Each Advisory Board shall meet at the call of the chairman or upon request of the Director of the Institute, but not less often than four times a year. "(h) The National Diabetes Advisory Board and the National Digestive Diseases Advisory Board shall— "(1) review and evaluate the implementation of the plan (referred to in section 433) respecting the diseases with respect to which the Advisory Board was established and periodically update the plan to ensure its continuing relevance; "(2) for the purpose of assuring the most effective use and organization of resources respecting such diseases, advise and make recommendations to the Congress, the Secretary, the Director of NIH, the Director of the Institute, and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies for the implementation and revision of such plan; and "(3) maintain liaison with other advisory bodies related to Federal agencies involved in the implementation of such plan, the coordinating committee for such diseases, and with key nonFederal entities involved in activities affecting the control of such diseases, "(i) In carrying out its functions, each Advisory Board may establish subcommittees, convene workshops and conferences, and collect data. Such subcommittees may be composed of Advisory Board members and nonmember consultants with expertise in the particular area addressed by such subcommittees. The subcommittees may hold such meetings as are necessary to enable them to carry out their activities. "(j) Each Advisory Board shall prepare an annual report for the Secretary which— "(1) describes the Advisory Board's activities in the fiscal year for which the report is made; "(2) describes and evaluates the progress made in such fiscal year in research, treatment, education, and training with respect to the diseases with respect to which the Advisory Board was established; "(3) summarizes and analyzes expenditures made by the Federal Government for activities respecting such diseases in such fiscal year; and

99 STAT. 845

Post, p. 848.
