Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/112

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1222 Prohibitions. Vessels.

Prohibitions. Contracts.


Space shuttle. Defense and national security. 42 USC 2464a.

PUBLIC LAW 99-190—DEC. 19, 1985

SEC. 8107. None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be obligated or expended to carry out a program to paint any naval vessel with paint known as organotin or with any other paint containing the chemical compound tributyltin until such time as the Environmental Protection Agency certifies to the Department of Defense that whatever toxicity as generated by organotin paints as included in Navy specifications does not pose an unacceptable hazard to the marine environment. SEC. 8108. No funds appropriated under this Act for the Strategic Defense Initiative Program shall be earmarked by any agency of the United States Government or any contractor exclusively for contracts with non-United States contractors, subcontractors, or vendors, or exclusively for consortia containing non-United States contractors, subcontractors, or vendors, prior to source selection in order to meet a specific quota or allocation of funds to any allied nation. Furthermore, it is the sense of the Congress that, whenever possible, the Secretary of Defense and others should attempt to award Strategic Defense Initiative contracts to United States contractors, subcontractors, and vendors unless such awards would degrade the likely results obtained from such contracts: Provided, That allied nations should be encouraged to participate in the Strategic Defense Initiative research effort on a competitive basis and be awarded contracts on the basis of technical merit. SEC. 8109. None of the funds appropriated pursuant to this Act to or for the use of the Department of Defense may be obligated or expended for any purpose unless such funds have been authorized to be appropriated for such purpose by law other than this Act: Provided,, That the preceding sentence does not apply to funds appropriated in this Act for Coastal Defense Augmentation; $375,000,000. SEC. 8110. Of the funds available in the Army Industrial Fund, $25,000,000 shall be available to be used to implement immediately, or to transfer to another appropriation account in this Act to be used to implement immediately, the program proposed by the Department in its letter of August 30, 1985, from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Logistics, to rehabilitate and convert current steam generating plants at defense facilities in the United States to coal burning facilities in order to achieve a coal consumption target of 1,600,000 short tons of coal per year above current consumption levels at Department of Defense facilities in the United States by fiscal year 1994: Provided, That anthracite or bituminous coal shall be the source of energy at such installations: Provided further. That during the implementation of this proposal, the amount of anthracite coal purchased by the Department shall remain at least at the current annual purchase level, 302,000 short tons. SEC. 8111. The Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will jointly determine which payloads will be launched on Titan II launch vehicles and certify by notice to the Congress that such launches are cost effective as compared to launches by the space shuttle and do not diminish the efficient and effective utilization of the space shuttle capability: Provided, That this section may be waived only upon certification by the Secretary of Defense that certain classified payloads must be launched on the Titan II launch vehicle as opposed to the space shuttle, for national security reasons.