Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/130

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1240

PUBLIC LAW 99-190—DEC. 19, 1985

"Costs and expenses incurred by a claimant in the operation and maintenance of his alternate winter stock water supply shall not be reimbursable. OFFICE OF THE SOUCITOR SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For necessary expenses of the Office of the Solicitor, $20,378,000. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General, $16,214,000. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT

For necessary expenses of the Office of Construction Management, $780,000: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations a revised Memorandum of Agreement between the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Office of Construction Management, vesting the program direction and control of the facility design, construction, repair, operation and maintenance programs of the Bureau in the Office of Construction Management, and a detailed plan for implementation of said Agreement, within 60 days of the enactment of this Act. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY (SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY PROGRAM)

For payment in foreign currencies which the Treasury Department shall determine to be excess to the normal requirement of the United States, for necessary expenses of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service as authorized by law, $1,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available, in addition to other appropriations, to such office for payment in the foregoing currencies (7 U.S.C. 1704). ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

There is hereby authorized for acquisition from available resources within the Working Capital Fund, 5 additional aircraft, all of which shall be for replacement only: Provided, That no programs funded with appropriated funds in the "Office of the Secretary", "Office of the Solicitor", and "Office of Inspector General" may be augmented through the Working Capital Fund or the Consolidated Working Fund. GENERAL PROVISIONS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR


SEC 101. Appropriations made in this title shall be available for expenditure or transfer (within each bureau or office), with the approval of the Secretary, for the emergency reconstruction, replacement, or repair of aircraft, buildings, utilities, or other facilities or equipment damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, storm, or other unavoidable causes: Provided, That no funds shall be made available under this authority until funds specifically made available to the Department of the Interior for emergencies shall have been exhausted.