Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/176

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1286

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23 USC 101 note. 23 USC 101 note.


Highways. Bridges.

49 USC app. 1604.

49 USC app. 1607a note.

PUBLIC LAW 99-190—DEC. 19, 1985

for Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction which are apportioned or allocated to each State for such fiscal year bear to the total of the sums authorized to be appropriated for Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction which are apportioned or allocated to all the States for such fiscal year, (b) During the period October 1 through December 31, 1985, no State shall obligate more than 40 per centum of the amount distributed to such State under subsection (a), and the total of all State obligations during such period shall not exceed 25 per centum of the total amount distributed to all States under such subsection. (c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and 0)), the Secretary shall— (1) provide all States with authority sufficient to prevent lapses of sums authorized to be appropriated for Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction which have been apportioned to a State, except in those instances in which a State indicates its intention to lapse sums apportioned under section 104(b)(5)(A) of title 23, United States Code; (2) after August 1, 1986, revise a distribution of the funds made available under subsection (a) if a State will not obligate the amount distributed during that fiscal year and redistribute sufficient amounts to those States able to obligate amounts in addition to those previously distributed during that fiscal year giving priority to those States having large unobligated balances of funds apportioned under section 104 of title 23, United States Code, and giving priority to those States which, because of statutory changes made by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 and the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1981, have experienced substantisd proportional reductions in their apportionments and allocations; and (3) not distribute amounts authorized for administrative expenses and the Federal Lands Highway Programs. SEC. 314. None of the funds in this Act shall be available for salaries and expenses of more than one hundred thirty-eight political appointees in the Department of Transportation. SEC. 315. Not to exceed $1,700,000 of the funds provided in this Act for the Department of Trsmsportation shall be available for the necessary expenses of advisory committees. SEC. 316. The limitation on obligations for Federal-aid highways and highway safety construction programs for fiscal year 1986 shall not apply to obligations for the remaining approach and bridge removal work necessary to complete the new bridge alignment for the Zilwaukee Bridge. SEC. 317. (a) Section 5(b)(2) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 is amended by inserting after the first sentence the following new sentence: "Any funds apportioned for fiscal year 1982 or 1983 under subsection (a) for expenditure in an urbanized area with a population of less than 200,000 may be expended in an urbanized area with a population of 200,000 or more.". (b) Section 5(c)(4) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 is amended by striking the period at the end of the first sentence, and inserting the following: "except that any fiscal year 1982 funds made available to a Governor under section 5(b)(2) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, that are unobligated as of October 1, 1985, or become unobligated thereafter, shall remain available for expenditure under section 5 until October 1, 1986." SEC. 318. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, within 60 days of the effective date of this Act the Urban Mass Transportation