Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/311

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-198—DEC. 23, 1985

99 STAT. 1421


"(A) the loan payment rate; by "(B) the quantity of rice the producer is eligible to place under loan. "(3) For purposes of this subsection, the quantity of rice eligible to be placed under loan may not exceed the product obtained by multiplying— "(A) the individual farm program acreage for the crop; by "(B) the farm program payment jdeld established for the farm. "(4) For purposes of this subsection, the loan payment rate shall be the amount by which— "(A) the loan level determined for such crop under subsection (a); exceeds "(B) the level at which a loan may be repgiid under subsection (a). "(5) The Secretary shall make up to one-half the amount of a payment under this subsection available in the form of negotiable marketing certificates, subject to the terms and conditions provided in subsection (a)(SXC). "(c)(l)(A) The Secretary shall make available to producers payments for each of the 1986 through 1990 crops of rice in an amount computed by multiplying— "(i) the payment rate; by "(ii) the individual farm program acreage; by "(iii) the farm program payment yield established for the crop for the farm. "(B)(i) If an acreage limitation program under subsection (fK2) is in effect for a crop of rice and the producers on a farm devote a portion of the permitted rice acreage of the farm (as determined in accordance with subsection (fK2XA)) equal to more than 8 percent of the permitted rice acreage of the farm for the crop to conservation uses or nonprogram crops— "(I) such portion of the permitted rice acreage in excess of 8 percent of such acreage devoted to conservation uses or nonprogram crops shall be considered to be planted to rice for the purpose of determining the individual farm program acreage in accordance with subsection (fK2XE) and for the purpose of determining the acreage on the farm required to be devoted to conservation uses in accordance with subsection (fK2XD); and "(II) the producers shall be eligible for payments under this paragraph on such acreage, subject to the compliance of the producers with clause (ii). "(ii) To be eligible for payments under clause (i), except as provided in clause (iii), the producers on the farm must actually plant rice for harvest on at least 50 percent of the permitted rice acreage of the farm. "(iii) If a State or local agency has imposed in an area of a State or county a quarantine on the planting of rice for harvest on farms in such area, the State committee established under section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b)) may recommend to the Secretary that payments be made under this paragraph, without regard to the requirement imposed under clause (ii), to producers in such area who were required to forgo the planting of rice for harvest on acreage to alleviate or eliminate the condition requiring such quarantine. If the Secretary determines that such condition exists, the Secretary may make payments under this paragraph to such producers. To be eligible for payments under

