Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/794

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1904

Health. S^^®*y




Transportation. Regulations,

Transportation. Regulations.

PUBLIC LAW 99-240—JAN. 15, 1986

"(i) Cause a regional facility to be developed on a timely basis as determined by the board, and secure the approval of such regional facility by the board as provided in Article IV before allowing site preparation or physical construction to begin; "(ii) Ensure by its own law, consistent with any applicable federal law, the protection and preservation of public health and safety in the siting, design, development, licensure or other regulation, operation, closure, decommissioning and long-term care of the regional facilities within the state; "(iii) Subject to the approval of the board, ensure that charges for management of low-level waste at the regional facilities within the state are reasonable; "(iv) Solicit comments from each other party state and the board regarding siting, design, development, licensure or other regulation, operation, closure, decommissioning and long-term care of the regional facilities within the state and respond in writing to such comments; "(v) Submit an annual report to the board which contains projections of the anticipated future capacity and availability of the regional facilities within the state, together with other information required by the board; and "(vi) Notify the board immediately if any exigency arises requiring the possible temporary or permanent closure of a regional facility within the state at a time earlier than was projected in the state's most recent annual report to the board. "(e) Once a party state has served as a host state, it shall not be obligated to serve again until each other party state having an obligation under subsection (c) of this article has fulfilled that obligation. Nevada, already being a host state, shall not be obligated to serve again as a host state until every other party state has so served. "(0 Each party state: "(i) Agrees to adopt and enforce procedures requiring lowlevel waste shipments originating within its borders and destined for a regional facility to conform to packaging and transportation requirements and regulations. Such procedures shall include but are not limited to: "(A) Periodic inspection of packaging and shipping practices; "(B) Periodic inspections of waste containers while in the custody of carriers; and "(C) Appropriate enforcement actions with respect to violations. "(ii) Agrees that after receiving notification from a host state that a person in the party state has violated packaging, shipping or transportation requirements or regulations, it shall take appropriate action to ensure that violations do not recur. Appropriate action may include but is not limited to the requirement that a bond be posted by the violator to pay the cost of repackaging at the regional facility and the requirement that future shipments be inspected; "(iii) May impose fees to recover the cost of the practices provided for in paragraph (i) and (ii) of this subsection; "(iv) Shall maintain an inventory of all generators within the state that may have low-level waste to be managed at a regional facility; and