Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 2.djvu/804

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

99 STAT. 1914 Prohibition.




Report. Studies. Regulation.

PUBLIC LAW 99-240—JAN. 15, 1986

"b. Each Commission member shall be entitled to one vote. No action of the Commission shall be binding unless a majority of the total membership cast their vote in the affirmative. "c. The Commission shall elect annually from among its members a presiding officer and such other officers as it deems appropriate. The Commission shall adopt and publish, in convenient form, such rules and regulations as are necessary for due process in the performance of its duties and powers under this compact. "d. The Commission shall meet at least once a year and shall also meet upon the call of the presiding officer, or upon the call of a party state member. "e. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public with reasonable prior public notice. The Commission may, by majority vote, close a meeting to the public for the purpose of considering sensitive personnel or legal matters. All Commission actions and decisions shall be made in open meetings and appropriately recorded. A roll call vote may be required upon request of any party state or the presiding officer. "f. The Commission may establish such committees as it deems necessary. "g. The Commission may appoint, contract for, and compensate such limited staff as it determines necessary to carry out its duties and functions. The staff shall serve at the Commission's pleasure irrespective of the civil service, personnel or other merit laws of any of the party states or the federal government and shall be compensated from funds of the Commission. "h. The Commission shall adopt an annual budget for its operations. "i. The Commission shall have the following duties and powers: " 1. The Commission shall receive and act on the application of a non-party state to become an eligible state in accordance with Article Vll(e). "2. The Commission shall receive and act on the application of an eligible state to become a party state in accordance with Article VII(b). "3. The Commission shall submit an annual report to and otherwise communicate with the governors and the presiding officer of each body of the legislature of the party states regarding the activities of the Commission. "4. Upon request of party states, the Commission shall mediate disputes which arise between the party states regarding this compact. "5. The Commission shall develop, adopt and maintain a regional management plan to ensure safe and effective management of waste within the region, pursuant to Article V. "6. The Commission may conduct such legislative or adjudicatory hearings, and require such reports, studies, evidence and testimony as are necessary to perform its duties and functions. "7. The Commission shall establish by regulation, after public notice and opportunity for comment, such procedural regulations as deemed necessary to ensure efficient operation, the orderly gathering of information, and the protection of the rights of due process of affected persons. "8. In accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in Article V, the Commission shall accept a host state's proposed facility as a regional facility.