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Unity of Good.

According to this same rule, in Divine Science, the dying — if they die in the Lord — awake from a sense of death to a sense of Life in Christ, with a knowledge of Truth and Love beyond what they possessed before; because their lives have grown so far toward the stature of manhood in Christ Jesus, that they are ready for a spiritual transfiguration, through their affections and understanding.

Those who reach this transition, called death, without having rightly improved the lessons of this primary school of mortal existence, — and still believe in matter's reality, pleasure, and pain, — are not ready to understand Immortality. Hence they awake only to another sphere of experience, and must pass through another probationary state before it can be truly said of them: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”

They upon whom the Second Death, of which we read in the Apocalypse (Revelation xx. 6), hath no power, are those who have obeyed God's commands, and have washed their robes white through the sufferings of the flesh and the triumphs of Spirit. Thus they have reached the goal in Divine Science, by knowing Him in whom they have believed.