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A Colloquy.

not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.”

The doubtful or spurious evidence of the senses is not to be admitted,—especially when they testify concerning Spirit, whereof they are confessedly incompetent to speak.

Evil. But mortal mind and sin really exist!

Good. How can they exist, unless God has created them? And how can He create anything so wholly unlike Himself, and foreign to His nature? An evil material mind, so-called, can conceive of God only as like itself, and knowing both evil and good; but a purely good and spiritual consciousness has no sense whereby to cognize evil. Mortal mind is the opposite of Immortal Mind, and sin the opposite of goodness. I am the Infinite All. From me proceedeth all Mind, all consciousness, all individuality, all being. My Mind is Divine Good, and can not drift into evil. To believe in minds many is to depart from the Supreme sense of harmony. Your assumptions insist that there is more than the one Mind, more than the one God; but verily I say