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Personal Statements.

taught no selfhood as existent in matter. In his identity there is no evil. Individuality and Life were real to him only as spiritual and good, not as material or evil. This incensed the rabbins against Jesus, because it was an indignity to their personality; and this personality they regarded as both good and evil, as is still claimed by the worldly wise. To them evil was even more the Ego than was the Good. Sin, sickness, and death were evil's concomitants. This evil ego they believed must extend throughout the universe, as being equally identical and self-conscious with God. This ego was in the earthquake, thunderbolt, and tempest.

The Pharisees fought Jesus on this issue. It furnished the battleground of the past, as it does of the present. The fight was an effort to enthrone evil. Jesus assumed the burden of disproof, by destroying sin, sickness, and death, to sight and sense.

Nowhere in Scripture is evil connected with Good, the Being of God, and, with every passing hour, it is losing its false claim to existence or consciousness. All that can exist is God and His idea.