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understanding, however faintly able to demonstrate His Truth and Love.

Do you believe in Man?

I believe in the individual man, for I understand that man is as definite and eternal as God, and that man is coexistent with God, as being the eternally divine idea. This is demonstrable by the simple appeal to human consciousness.

But I believe less in the sinner, wrongly named man. The more I understand true humanhood, the more I see it to be sinless, — as ignorant of sin as is the perfect Maker.

To me the reality and substance of Being are good, and nothing else. Through the eternal reality of existence I reach, in thought, a glorified consciousness of the only living God and the genuine man. So long as I hold evil in consciousness, I can not be wholly good.

You can not simultaneously serve the Mammon of Materiality and the God of Spirituality. There are not two realities of Being, two opposite states of existence. One should appear real to us, and the other unreal, or we lose the Science of Being.