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Unity of Good.

sometimes the home of vice. The senses, not the Soul, form the condition of beautiful evil, and the supposed modes of self-conscious matter, which make a beautiful lie. Now a lie takes its pattern from Truth, by reversing Truth. So evil and all its forms are inverted Good. God never made them; but the lie must say He made them, or it would not be evil. Being a lie, it would be truthful to call itself a lie; and by calling the knowledge of evil good, and greatly to be desired, it constitutes the lie an evil.

The reality and individuality of man are good and God-made, and they are here to be seen and demonstrated, it is only the evil belief that renders them obscure.

Matter and evil are anti-christian, the antipodes of Science. To say that Mind is material, or that evil is Mind, is a misapprehension of Being, — a mistake which will die of its own delusion; for being self-contradictory, it is also self-destructive. The harmony of man's being is not built on such false foundations, which are no more logical, philosophical, or scientific, than would be the assertion that the rule of addition is the rule of subtraction, and that sums done under both rules would have one quotient.