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Suffering from Other's Thoughts.

of others. Their conscious being was not fully exempt from physicality and the sense of sin.

Until he awakes from his delusion, he suffers least, from sin, who is a hardened sinner. The hypocrite's affections must first be made to fret in their chains; and the pangs of Hell must lay hold of him, ere he can change from flesh to Spirit, become acquainted with that Love which is without dissumulation, and endureth all things. Such mental conditions as ingratitude, lust, malice, hate, constitute the miasma of earth. More obnoxious than Chinese stenchpots are these dispositions, which offend the spiritual sense.

Anatomically considered, the design of the material senses is to warn mortals of the approach of danger, by the pain they feel and occasion; but spiritual sense, foreseeing the impending doom, foretells the pain and finds refuge in the secret place, “under the shadow of the Almighty.”

The Cross is the central emblem of human history. Without it there is neither temptation nor glory. When Jesus turned and said, “Who hath touched me?” he must have felt the influence of the woman's thought; for it is written that he felt that “virtue had