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The penalty specified by him, ("absque prole erunt,") evinces that he had regard to the offence committed by a man who married his brother's divorced wife, while he was living. Of the true meaning of the original Hebrew text, we shall have occasion hereafter to speak.

This is confirmed by the Arabic version of Levit. 20:21: "Et quisque vir acceperit uxorem fratris sui quæ est remota ab ipso quandoquidem detexit turpitudinem fratris sui, morientur ambo orbi."

How many erroneous quotations have been made by the Puritan! 1. From Jeremy Taylor;—2. From Turrettin;—3. From Selden; 4. From Salomon Jarchi;—5. From Jonathan, the Jewish Rabbi. See above, pp. 21, 22, 84, 110–116, 117.

6. Had the Puritan opened Simon's or Gesenius' Lexicon, he would have seen that the word עֶרְוָה signifies—1. Nakedness in general;—2. Specially, nuditas pudendorum;—3. Metonymically, turpitudo.

The different meanings of the word being thus ascertained from a Hebrew Lexicon, the next point to be determined is, which of these