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dred, to the exclusion of relations by affinity, or marriage? It will be seen, by examining the prohibitions, (although Omicron thinks this exclusive signification is confirmed by the addition of another Hebrew term,) that the meaning of the original term does include affinity, as well as consanguinity, even by his own admission.

It is added by Omicron, "The Seventy also understood it in the same restricted sense; and have always rendered it by some form of οιϰος οιϰειος, and the like, implying a relationship in one's own house or family, that is, by blood; and not contracted from abroad by marriage."

Now we undertake to prove that the meaning of this Greek term is not restricted to relationship by blood, and that instead of excluding relationship by marriage, it really includes it. "And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house (οιϰος, בֵיהְךָ) into the ark," Gen. 7:1. Who constituted all Noah's family? Were they all blood-relations, and none by affinity? Noah obeyed the command; and whom did he take with him into the ark? We have an answer in the seventh verse: "And Noah went