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with facts. Polygamy was always sinful, and yet the terms in which the law prohibited it were not so plain as to convince the ancient Hebrews of its unlawful nature. The supreme Lawgiver always legislates with infinite wisdom, but not always as human wisdom would dictate.

To rest the decision of an important question in morals, on so slight and seeming an implication of a single phrase in a single text, would be hazardous indeed.

Various passages might be here adduced from sacred Scripture, the implication of which must be rejected. Take a few examples: "The LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time." (Jos. 5:2.) From this some might be led to think, that circumcision was to be repeated on those who had already received in their flesh the sign of the covenant. Such an inference, however, could not be admitted, though seeming to accord with the terms of the command. Nothing more was meant by it, than that the children on whom this sign had not been impressed, should now receive it—"Therefore