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mother's sister, who sustains the same relation to his mother which his sister-in-law sustains to his wife.

Again, the husband bears to his wife's sister a nearer relation than he bears to his mother's sister; because he is more nearly related to his wife, than to his mother: and, therefore, we infer a fortiori that it is unlawful for him to marry his deceased wife's sister; because he is expressly forbidden to marry a woman to whom he is not so nearly related: just as we infer it to be unlawful for a brother and sister born of the same parents to marry; (although such a marriage is not specified in the law;) because the marriage of a half-brother and sister, one born of the father, and the other of the mother, is expressly prohibited.

5. Finally, the marriage of a man with his sister-in-law, is in express words forbidden. (Verse 18.)

Now, in opposition to this accumulated evidence, ought not the seeming implication of the concluding clause of the 18th verse, "in her life-time," to be regarded as futile? Is it reasonable to suppose, that this clause was introduced