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barrassment; and preserve her and her brother-in-law from the temptations to which human nature, in its present fallen condition, is too liable. It would make a sister's house like that of an own brother.

But let the public mind be impressed with an opposite conviction, and the belief of the lawfulness of the marriage in question become prevalent, and then a sister's house will assume a different aspect. Its security, its freedom of intercourse, will be impaired. A delicate female, one who regards her own character, and has a due respect to the opinions of others, will feel that she cannot dwell in her sister's family with that ease and pleasure, which she would enjoy if she knew the marriage of a man with a deceased wife's sister to be not only forbidden by the law of God, but condemned by public opinion. The purity of private life will be contaminated; public morals deteriorated; and the commandment of the most High God disobeyed.