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before they could bring; it into practice: therefore it must be a sin for the thought.

Now, the sin was this: Their habitation being in the highest heavens, and under God himself, they, had exceeding great light and knowledge; they had more knowledge than all the men in the world (ever had, and were happy above all other creatures; but, when not being contented with this estate, they thought to be as high as God himself, therefore, they maliciously sought to make war against the Son of God and were immediately thurst out of heaven, never more to see the face of mercy; and thus, from the beginning, they have been counted malicious and revengeful; as raging beasts, and as roaring lions. Thus their sin being of the same nature with the sin against the Holy Ghost, they were excluded all hopes of pardon.

But that the sin of our first parents was not the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost is clear; for, though they sinned against great light, yet they obeyed, and complied with the will of God, even when the tempter came, until at last they were enticed and overcome; but they did not fall maliciously, and so were not excluded all possibility of mercy

2. This sin may he committed in word too, that is, when a man speaketh blasphemously and maliciously of Christ and his holy ways. This