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From the Writings of a French Protesant Minister, on the Revelation of the Apostel John.

Published in the year 1685

After that we have explained all the visions in this Revelation, we are not to forget to enquire the reason why Jesus Christ judged it convenient to direct it, together with the Epistles, particularly to the Seven Churches of Asia; Ephesus, Symrna, Pregamus, Thyatira Sardia, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

1. The number 7 is a mysterious number through this whole Book: It signifieth the universality and the fulfilling of all times as appeareth by the consideration of the 7 Seals the 7 Trumpets, and the 7 Vials; because that number denoteth the whole train of things which the seals, Trumpets, and Vials, foretell are to come to pass till the very destruction of the Antichristian empire,

2. Christ appeareth, having in his hand 7 Stars, which are the seven Pastors of the seven Churches; and walking in the midst of 7 Candlesticks, which are the seven Churches, that we have mentioned. But why Seven? Doth he not promise to be the protector but of these seven Pastors and the Overseer and Defender but of these Churches?

3. There is a conformity between that vision in the first Chapter, and those of the seven Seals, and of the opened Book; For we