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Arianism had the upper hand, and wherein the orthodox were outragiously persecuted. That is the Tribulation of ten days, wherewith Symrna is threatned; not the Ten Persecutions, of which Dioclesian's was the last.

That of Pregamus hath a reference to the time when Antichrist sitteth in the Temple if God, and when the Church is hardly visible, through her dwelling as the Church of Pregamus did where satan had his throne

That of Thyatira hath a great conformity to the Condition of the Church when Antichrist both began to fall, and began to raise himself again: According to the Testimony given by our Saviour to that of Thyatira, "Thou hast not the doctrine of Jezebel, and thou hast not known the depths of Satan,"

That of Philadelphia is a protraiture of that, of the Church when she shall be perfectly Reformed, when Sion shall be perfectly re-established, when the alone Key of David shall open and shut; when the voice of Jesus Christ shall be perfectly followed and that both with respect unto manners, to faith. This is the state wherein the Church will be during the time of the Millennian reign.

Lastly, That of Laodicea is a mirror, wherein we may behold the state of the Church towards the end of the world, when zeal shall become cold, Charity scarce to be found, and corruption shall abound and be universal, and thereby draw upon the world that deluge of fire, which shall give a renovation unto it.