Page:Unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost (1).pdf/7

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Thus have I shewed you, negatively, what is not this unpardonable sin; none of those sins in particular is that sin.

II. I come now to shew you positively, what this sin unto death is, and wherein this upardonable sin against the Holy Ghost doth consist.

Now there are several opinions in the world about it, but I will endeavour, through God's help, to lead you to the plain sight of it by the sight of the holy Scriptures.

Now, in the first place you must know, that there are two sorts of people that cannot commit this unpardonable sin.

The true believers cannot commit it; because it is a sin against great light and knowledge.-Indeed the greatest part of the world shall be damned; yet among the greatest part, there are but few of them that can commit that unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost.

Some have both light and grace; these shall not commit the unpardonable sin.

{sc|Again}}, some have neither light nor grace: these cannot commit that unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost.

Now, there must be two ingredients, to make up this unpardonable sin; that is light in the head, and malice in the heart: Without these two the sin against the Holy Ghost, cannot be committed; for, to sin against great light and