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Ord. No. 9 of 2007

[s. 63]

Consequential Amendments

Telecommunications Ordinance

1. Offences by telecommunications officer, etc.

(1) Section 24 of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap. 106) is amended by renumbering it as section 24(1).

(2) Section 24 is amended by adding—

“(2) This section does not apply to any act done by a telecommunications officer, or any person who, though not a telecommunications officer, has official duties in connection with a telecommunications service, for the purpose of—
(a) facilitating compliance with this Ordinance or the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (9 of 2007);
(b) implementing the terms or conditions of a licence of a licensee or any contract made between a licensee and a customer of the licensee; or
(c) facilitating compliance with a lawful request of a customer of a licensee in connection with a service supplied by the licensee to the customer.”.

Resolution establishing Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund

2. Services to be provided under the trading fund

Schedule 1 to the resolution of the Legislative Council establishing the Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund (Cap. 430 sub. leg. D) is amended, in item 1, by repealing “Telephone Ordinance (Cap. 269)” and substituting “Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (9 of 2007)”.