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Shirt, flax, 11, 12.

Shoes, Washington’s first pair of, 11.

Sidewalk, Washington sleeps under a, in Richmond, 49.

Slater-Armstrong Agricultural Building, 302.

Slavery, benefits of, 16-17.

Slaves, quarters of, 2-5; attitude of, during Civil War, 12-14; freed, 19-22.

Slave ship, 2.

Smith, Miss Fannie N., 146-147.

Smith, Postmaster-General, 309.

Smith, W. Herman, 289.

Snuff-dipping, 115.

“Social recognition” never discussed by Washington, 256.

“Soul” necessary to success in public speaking, 244.

Spanish-American War, Negroes in, 255.

Stafford House, London, a reception at, 287-2S8.

Stage-coach travel, 46, 47.

Stamford, Conn., generous donor from, 186-187.

Stanley, Sir Henry M., 285.

Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady, 279.

Stanton, Theodore, 278.

Story, effect of telling, in public speaking, 243; the humorous, in England, 287.

Strike of coal-miners, 68-69.

Strikes, means of avoiding, 1 72.

Sturge, Joseph, 284.

Suffrage. See Franchise.

Sutherland, Duke and Duchess of, 287-288.

“Sweeping” examination, a, 52, 163, 281.

Taliaferro, Washington’s name originally, 35.

Tanner, Henry O., 280-281.

“Teacher’s day,” 29.

Ten-dollar bill, incident of finding a, 65.

Tents used as dormitories, 57.

Texas, travelling in, 169.

Thanksgiving service, first, at Tuskegee, 157-158.

“The Force That Wins,” 94.

The Plague, visit to, 278.

Thompson, Mrs. Joseph, 21 7^ 239.

Thompson, Hon. Waddy, 144.

“Three cheers to Booker T. Washington!” in Boston, 252.

Times, New York, quoted, 302.

Times-Herald, Chicago, quoted, 254-255.

Tooth-brush, gospel of the, 75, 174-175.

Transcript, Boston, quoted, 226, 250-252.

Trotter, J. R., 290.

Trust, slaves true to a, 13, 14, 15, 19.

Tuition, cost of, at Hampton, 59; in night-school at Hampton, 104; at Tuskegee, 167; in night-school at Tuskegee, 196-197.

Tuskegee, Washington first goes to, 107; acquisition of present site of school, 128-130; General Armstrong at, 55, 163, 293-294; represented at the Atlanta Exposition, 209; executive force of the Institute, 258-259; President McKinley and Cabinet at, 306-310.

Umbrella, Dr. Donald and the, 190.

University Club of Paris, Washington a guest at the, 279.

University of Chicago addresses, Washington’s, 253-255.

Unwin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fisher, 284.

Vacation, at Hampton, 63, 68; the first in nineteen years, 262, 273. See Europe.