Page:Upbuilders by Lincoln Steffens.djvu/12

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Is it hope that is wanted? Wide-eyed optimism? Here it is, in this book. And faith? Faith in democracy? It is here. And a hint as to what one man can do? Here it is. Here are faith in the many men; hope for all; and, for the few who think they would like to lead, encouragement, the inspiration of humble examples, and some notion of how to proceed. This book contains five straight, true stories, each telling what one straight, true man has done with democracy, and through them all shines forth at last one truth upon which, as a foundation, Man can build with and for Mankind:

Wherever the people have found a leader who was loyal to them; brave; and not too far ahead, there they have followed him, and there has been begun the solution of our common problem; the problem of the cities, states, and nations—the problem of civilized living in human communities.

It has not mattered much who the leader was, or what. His religion has made no difference, nor his social status; nor his financial condition; nor his party. Mark Fagan—first in my heart,
