Page:Upbuilders by Lincoln Steffens.djvu/155

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explained, and they explained with many mani- festations of hate for the cop. They were there to sell papers. It was their place of business, and everybody had acknowledged it — not only all the other newsboys, but everybody else—till, one day, some other bigger boys wdth red caps appeared there selling papers and things. Then “this cop chased us off.” Why? Why had the cop suddenly interfered with their business ? It was his turn to explain, and he explained that the railroad company, having come to realize that the trade in newspapers at the station was profitable, had decided to take a share in it. The con- cession was let to a man who employed the boys with red caps. The man wanted a monopoly. So the policeman had received orders to drive off the other boys. He had obeyed. No explana- tion was given to the boys; no notice. They sud- denly found themselves deprived of their means of livelihood, and resenting it, blamed the cop and — stoned him.

Thus it was all a misunderstanding, not a crime” at all, and the Judge undertook to clear it up to the satisfaction of all concerned. Hav- ing explained it to the two boys under arrest, he enlisted their services in behalf of the Court to bring in the others who were “in it” but had not been caught. The policeman, knowing how hard