Page:Upbuilders by Lincoln Steffens.djvu/164

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After the address, which is never long, the boys are called up by schools. Each boy is greeted by himself, but the Judge uses only his given or nickname. “'The boys from the Arapahoe Street School,” he calls, and, as the group comes forward, the Judge reaches out and seizing one by the shoulder, pulls him up to him, saying:

“Skinny, you’ve been doing fine lately; had a cracker jack report every time. I just want to see if you have kept it up. Bet you have. Let’s see.” He opens the report. “And you have. That’s great. Shake, Skin. You’re all right, you are.” Skinny shines.

Pointing at another, he says: “ And you, Mumps, you got only ‘fair’ last time. What you got this time ? You promised me ‘excellent,’ and I know you’ve made good.” He tears open the envelope. “Sure,” he says. “You’ve done it. Bully for you.” Turning to the room, he tells the fellers how Mumps began playing hookey, and was so weak he simply thought he couldn t stay in school. “He blamed the teacher; said she was down on him. She wasn’t at all. He was just weak, Mumps was; had no backbone at all. But look at him now. He’s bracing right up. You watch Mumps. He’s the ‘stuff,’ Mumps is. Aren’t you, Mumps ? Teacher likes you now all right, doesn’t she? Yes. And she tells me she does.