Page:Upbuilders by Lincoln Steffens.djvu/355

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Bourne without bribery and with only four votes against him.

The Direct Primary Law settled, a People's Power League was organized (W. S. U'Ren, secretary) to use the people's power, but U'Ren still stuck to tool making. Other reformers used the "I. &. R." for particular reforms. The Anti-Saloon League passed a local option bill; the State Grange enacted two franchise tax acts, which the Legislature had failed on; and U'Ren's league put through a constitutional amendment to cut out the state printer's graft. On the other hand, a graft bill to sell the state a toll road, another for woman's suffrage, and a liquor dealers' amendment to the local option bill were all beaten by referendum. But U'Ren and the League worked hardest for and passed, by initiative, bills extending the "I. & R." to cities and towns, and giving municip alities complete home rule—more tools . And so—next year, initiative bills were passed to let the people discharge any public officer of the state and choose his successor by a special election (this is the famous T recall"); a corrupt practice act; to make the people's choice of United States Senators mandatory; and, deepest reaching of all, proportional representation. All tools. There were referendum petitions out, also; two against appropriations,