Page:Upbuilders by Lincoln Steffens.djvu/359

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"What have those compromises with corruption cost you?"

"Nothing," he said. "I never have done a dishonest or a dishonourable thing."

"No, but you have made bargains with the devil to get him to pass your laws. You remember Moses? He also broke the covenants of the Lord, and you know what happened to him. He was taken up where he could see the Land of Promise, but he wasn't allowed to go over into it. Why won't it be so with you? You may have saved the people of Oregon, but haven't you lost your own soul? Won't you go to hell?"

He was looking down while I spoke, and he didn't see that I was speaking half in fun. Evidently he considered the prospect seriously, for after a moment, he looked up steadily at me, and in even tones answered out of his deliberation.

"Well," he said, "I would go to hell for the people of Oregon!"