Page:Urbiztondo Ordinance No. 14 (2022).pdf/18

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1. For a newly-started business

i. Location sketch of the new business

ii. Paid-up capital of the business as shown in the Articles of Incorporation, if a corporation or partnership, or a sworn statement of the capital invested by the owner or operator, if a sole proprietorship

iii. A certificate attesting to the tax exemption if the business is tax exempt

iv. Certification from the office in charge of zoning that the location of the new business is in accordance with zoning regulations

v. Tax clearance showing that the operator has paid all tax obligations in the municipality

vi. Barangay clearance

vii. Three (3) passport size pictures of the owner or operator or in cases of a partnership or corporation the picture of the senior or managing partners and that of the President or General Manager

viii. Health certificate for all food handlers, and those required under Chapter IV, Art. D of this Revenue Code.

2. For renewal of existing business permits

i. Previous year's Mayor's permit

ii. Two ( 2 ) copies of the annual or quarterly tax payments

iii. Two ( 2 ) copies of all receipts showing payment of all regulatory fees as provided for in this Code

iv. Certificate of tax exemption form local taxes or fees, if exempt Upon submission of the application, it shall be the duty of the proper authorities to verify if other municipal requirements regarding the operation of the business or activity such as sanitary requirements, installation of power and light requirements, as well as other safety requirements are complied with. The permit to operate shall be issued only upon compliance with such safety requirements and after the payment of the corresponding inspection fees and other impositions required by this Revenue Code and other municipal tax ordinances.

Any false statement deliberately made by the applicant shall constitute sufficient ground for denying or revoking the permit issued by the Mayor, and the applicant or licensee may be prosecuted in accordance with the penalties provided in this Article.

A Mayor's Permit shall be refused to:

1. any person who previously violated any ordinance or regulation governing permits granted;

2. whose business establishment or undertaking does not conform with zoning regulations, and safety, health and other requirements of the municipality;

3. who has unsettled tax obligation, debt or other liability to the government; and

4. who is disqualified under any provision of law or ordinance to establish or operate the business applied for.

Likewise, a Mayor’s permit shall be denied to any person or applicant for a business who declares an amount of gross sales or receipts that are manifestly below industry standards or the Presumptive Income Level of gross sales or receipts as established in the municipality for the same or a closely similar type of activity or business.