Page:Urbiztondo Ordinance No. 14 (2022).pdf/24

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d. For crossing existing curbs and gutters resulting in the damage 100.00
e. Excavation permits for construction of houses, buildings and all other

establishments on private or public lots

f. Additional fee for every week of delay in excess of excavation

period provide in the Mayor’s Permit

Excavation permit
a. For 50 cubic meter or less 300.00
b. Over and above 50 cubic meter, per cubic meter of fraction 15.00
For Drillings Wells
a. For two-inch diameter pipe
1. Above 150 Feet but less than 200 feet 500.00
2. Over 200 Feet, per linear foot or fraction thereof 10.00
b. For three-inch diameter pipe
1. Above 150 feet but less than 200 feet 700.00
2. Over 200 feet, per linear foot or fraction thereof 15.00
c. For four-inch diameter pipe
1. Above 150 feet but less than 200 feet 900.00
2. Over 200 feet, per linear foot or fraction thereof 20.00
d. For five-inch diameter pipe
1. Above 150 feet but less than 200 feet 1,200
2. Over 200 feet, per linear foot or fraction thereof 50.00
Additional fee of P1,000.00 for every day of delay in excess of excavation

period provided in the Mayor’s permit


Sec. 2. Time and Manner of Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer by every person who shall make any excavation or cause any excavation to be made upon application for Mayor's Permit, but in all cases, prior to the excavation.

A cash deposit in an amount equal to P20,000.00 shall be deposited with the Municipal Treasurer at the same time the permit is paid. The cash deposit shall be forfeited in favor of the Municipal Government in case the restoration to its original form of the street excavated is not made within seven (7) days after the purpose of the excavation is accomplished.

Sec. 3. Administrative Provisions.

a. No person shall undertake or cause to undertake any digging or excavation, of any part or portion of the municipal streets of Urbiztondo unless a permit shall have been first secured from the Office of the Municipal Mayor specifying the duration of the excavation.

b. The Municipal Engineer/Municipal Building Official shall supervise the digging and excavation and shall determine the necessary width of the streets to be dug or excavated. Said official shall likewise inform the Municipal Treasurer of any delay in the completion of the excavation work for purposes of collection of the additional fee.

c. In order to protect the public from any danger, appropriate signs must be placed in the area where work is being done.

Article H. Fee for Sealing and Licensing of Weights and Measures

Section 1. Implementing Agency. The Municipal Treasurer shall strictly enforce the provisions of the Regulation of Practices Relative to Weights and Measures, as provided in Chapter II of the Consumer Act, Republic Act No. 7394.