Page:Urbiztondo Ordinance No. 14 (2022).pdf/41

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2. Beyond one (1) year

3. Endorsement Fee

4. Court Order

5. Service Fee





e. For Certified True Copies of any Document 100.00
f. Burial Fees:

1. Transfer of cadaver

2. Fee for exhumation of cadaver

3. Fee for removal and transfer of cadaver




Sec. 2. Exemptions. The fee imposed in this Article shall not be collected in the following cases:

a. Issuance of certified copies of documents for official use at the request of a competent court or other government agencies, except those copies required by courts at the request of litigants, in which case the fee should be collected.

b. Issuance of birth certificates of children reaching school age when such certificates are required for admission to the primary grades in a public school.

c. Burial permit of a pauper, per recommendation of the Municipal Mayor.

Sec. 3. Time of Payment. The fees shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer before registration or issuance of the permit, license or certified copy of local registry records or documents.

Sec. 4. Administrative Provision. A marriage license shall not be issued unless a certification is issued by the Family Planning Coordinating Council that the applicants have undergone lectures on family planning.

Article C. Sanitary Inspection Fee

Section 1. Imposition of Fee. There shall be collected the following annual fees from each business establishment in this municipality or house for rent, for the purpose of supervision and enforcement of existing rules and regulations and safety of the public in accordance with the following schedule:

a. Financial Institutions, such as banks, pawnshops, money shops, insurance companies, finance and other investments companies, dealers in securities and foreign exchange dealers.

Amount of Fee
1. Main Office P200.00
2. Every branch thereof 150.00
3. Gasoline stations/filing station 500.00
4. Private hospitals 500.00
5. Medical clinics and dental and animal hospitals dwelling

and other spaces

6. Hotels, motels, apartels, pension inn:

With 150 or more rooms

With 100 to 149 rooms

With 50 to 99 rooms

With 25 to 49 rooms

With less than 25 rooms






7. Apartments per door 200.00/door
8. For house for rent 200.00
9. Dormitories, lodgings or boarding houses, with

accommodation for: 40 or more boarders or lodgers
