Page:Urbiztondo Ordinance No. 14 (2022).pdf/49

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- That there shall be a deposit of a minimum amount of Two Thousand Pesos (₱2, 000.00 which could later increase depending on the situation) as payment in case of damages to properties, equipment and gadgets inside the Sports Complex arising from and during the conduct of the affair (except if the damage is caused by force majeure or by natural occurrence). Where no damages have been noted upon post-event inspection by the designated Staff of the Mayor’s Office of the Sports Complex, the same amount deposited shall be refunded immediately to the renter. The corresponding rental fee shall be paid in full together with the security deposit at the Office of the Municipal Treasurer before being allowed to use the USC;

- The renter shall be responsible in the smooth and orderly conduct of the entire activity;

- That the renter shall manage to limit the attendance of participants and audience to not more than the standard space capacity of the USC which is 1500 people;

- That without any obligation from the Local Government Unit, the renter shall be held accountable in ensuring the safety and security of the participants and spectators as well as in managing any emergencies emanating from the conduct of the activity except when such emergency arises from force majeure (or acts of God);

- The use of any pyrotechnics, highly combustible materials, explosive substances with foul smell, firing devices and dangerous and pointed objects during the activity is not allowed;

- That such rental of the facility is limited only to the use of its floor space, comfort rooms, stage and bleachers’ areas, built-in lights and sound system with an operator from the Local Government but not those of stage decorations, catering services, chairs, tables, props, and other accessories/equipment which are to sole account of the renter;

- That the renter shall be responsible in maintaining and restoring the cleanliness and orderliness of the area/complex during and right after the conduct of the affair;

- That additional charge/s beyond the minimum hours of use of the same facility shall be paid by renter to the Municipal Treasury Office right after the use of the Complex or on the first hour of the next office day if and when the activity has ended beyond the regular office hour/day.

4. Adjacent Commercial Stalls at Urbiztondo Sports Complex Rental Fees, Modes of Payments

i. For the adjacent commercials stalls: Rental fees for the adjacent commercial stalls shall be determined by area and/or space to be rented and occupied. Regardless of the number of stalls to be rented, the rental fee shall be as follows, to wit:

- One Hundred Sixty Pesos (P160.00) per square meter if the area is located on the ground floor, and

- One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) per square meter if the area is located on the second floor.

ii. Within the first five (5) days of each calendar month without any need of demand, the Lessee shall pay in Philippine Currency, a monthly rent computed at P160.00 per square meter (if the area is located at the ground floor) and P100.00 per square meter (if the area is located on the second floor).