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Sec. 2. Scope and Coverage. This Code shall govern the whole public market as owned and managed by the Municipal Government, and those owned and managed by private groups or individuals as regulated by the Local Government.

Sec. 3. General Objectives. This Code shall complement and supplement the provisions of the Local Government Code in relation to the establishment, regulation and maintenance of public markets. Its purpose is to make public markets responsive and effective instruments of public service as well as dynamic markets enterprise of the Municipality of Urbiztondo and professionalize market services.



Sec. 4. Definition of Terms. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following terms shall be understood in the sense indicated hereunder.

a. Public Market - refers to any space, building or structure of any kind owned and/or operated by the Municipality of Urbiztondo, or those leased/acquired by any legal modes or means and constructed for the purpose of providing space and/or stalls where goods of any kind and services may be sold or offered.

b. Privately-owned and operated Public Markets - are those established by individuals or groups of individuals out of private funds and operated by private persons, natural or juridical, under government franchise and permit.

c. Market Stall - refers to any allocated space, stand, compartment, store or any place wherein merchandise is sold, offered for sale, or intended for such purpose in the public market.

d. Stallholder - refers to the awardee of a definite space or spaces within a public market who pays a rental fee thereof for the purpose of selling his/her goods/commodities or service.

e. Booth - refers to an enclosure built or erected on market space for the purpose of selling goods/commodities/service.

f. Market premises - refer to any open space in the market compound or part of the market parking lot consisting of bare grounds or covered by market building usually occupied by ambulant vendors especially during market days.

g. Market Rental - refers to the fee paid to and collected by the Municipal Treasurer through the market collectors for the privilege using public market facilities.

h. Ambulant, transient, or itinerant vendor - refers to a vendor or seller who does not permanently occupy a definite place in the market but who comes to sell goods either daily or occasionally by sitting or moving from place to place within the market premises.

i. Market Committee - refers to the body whose duty is to draw policies for the establishment and management of public markets within the municipality including the conduct of drawing lots and opening of bids in connection with the adjudication of vacant or newly constructed stalls or booths in the municipality-owned and operated public markets and to certify the results thereof.

j. Hawker - refers to a vendor or seller who occupies the sidewalks, street, usually not within the territorial jurisdiction of a public market but who comes either daily or occasionally to sell his/her goods.