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INSECTS Rivula sericealis, Scop. Luton Brephos parthenias, Linn. Bedford Ourapteryx sambucata, Linn. ) Generally Rumia cratagata, Linn. J common Angerona prunaria, Linn. Woods near Bed- ford Venilia maculata, Linn. Woods near Lu- ton Cabera pusaria, Linn. Generally common in woods ; the var. rotundaria has been found near Bedford by Mr. J. Sharpin — exanthemaria, Scop. Generally distri- buted Bapta temerata, Schiff. Bedford, at the mar- gins of woods — taminata, Schiff. Potton, Bedford ; at the edges of woods Macaria liturata, Linn. Luton, Bedford ; among Scotch fir Halia wavaria, Linn. Everywhere in gardens among currant bushes Panagra petraria, Hb. Near Bedford, among brake-fern Strenia clathrata, Linn. Bedford, Potton, Luton ; common among clover Fidonia atomaria, Linn. Luton, common on heaths — piniaria, Linn. Plentiful in all fir woods Odontoptera bidentata, Linn. Generally dis- tributed Ennomos alniaria, Linn., tiliaria, Stn. Bed- ford, Luton ; among alder — fuscantaria, Haw. Potton, among ash — angularia, Schiff, quercinaria, St. C. Bed- ford Crocallis elinguaria, Linn. Generally distri- buted, on hedge banks Himera pennaria, Linn. Bedford, Luton ; common in woods Selenia illunaria, Hb., bilunaria, St. C. Generally common in lanes — illustraria, Hb., tetralunaria, St. C. Re- corded at Bedford by the Rev. O. W. Harries Pericallia syringaria, Linn. Bedford Epione apiciaria, Schiff. Bedford, Luton ; in lanes among sallow Metrocampa margaritata, Linn. Generally common in woods Ellopia fasciaria, Linn., prosapiaria, St. C. Luton, among Scotch fir Biston hirtarius, Linn. Bedford, Luton — prodromarius, Schiff. „ „ — betularius, Linn. Generally distributed Phigalia pilosaria, Schiff, pedaria, St. C. Lu- ton, Potton Cleora lichenaria, Schiff. Luton Tephrosia biundularia, Esp., crepuscularia, Schiff. Bedford, on tree trunks — punctularia, Schiff. Luton Boarmia repandaria, Linn. Bedford, Luton ; probably everywhere — rhomboidaria, Schiff, gemmaria, St. C. Generally distributed Hemerophila abruptaria,Thunb. Bedford, Luton Hibernia rupicapraria, Schiff. „ „ — leucophaearia, Schiff. Luton — progemmaria, Hb., marginaria, St. C. Everywhere abundant — defoliaria, Linn. Generally distributed in woods Anisopteryx aescularia, Schiff. Bedford, Luton Abraxas grossulariata, Linn. Abundant in gardens everywhere — ulmata, Fab., sylvata, St. C. Bedford dis- trict, in woods Ligdia adustata, Schiff. Bedford, Luton ; among spindle Lomaspilis marginata, Linn. Bedford, Luton ; among sallow Pseudoterpna cytisaria, Schiff, pruinata, St. C. Generally distributed Geometra papilionaria, Linn. Bedford district Iodis vernaria, Linn. „ „ — lactearia, Linn. „ „ Nemoria viridata, Linn. Recorded at Bed- ford by Mr. J. Sharpin Phorodesma bajularia, Schiff, pustulata, St. C. Recorded at Potton by Mr. W. Bond- Smith Hemithca thymiaria, Linn., strigata, St. C. Bedford, Luton Ephyra porata, Linn. Bedford, among oak — punctaria, Linn. „ „ — trilinearia, Bkh., linearia, St. C. Bedford district, among beech — omicronaria, Schiff, annulata, St. C. Bedford district, among maple — pendularia, Linn. Bedford, among birch Acidalia scutulata, Schiff, dimidiata, St. C. Generally common — bisetata, Bkh. Common in woods — dilutaria, Hb., osseata, St. Man. Bedford — incanaria, Hb., virgularia, St. C. Gener- ally common in gardens — immutata, Linn. Luton — promutata, Gn., marginepunctata, St. C. — remutata, Hb. Bedford, Potton ; prob- ably in all woods — aversata, Linn. Generally distributed Timandra imitaria, Hb. Bedford, Luton Bradyepetes amataria, Linn. „ „ Ania emarginata, Linn. „ „ Melanippe subtristata, Haw., sociata, St. C. Common everywhere Melanthia rubiginata, Schiff, bicolorata, St. C. Luton — ocellata, Linn. Generally distributed — albicillata, Linn. Bedford, U'oburn — unangulata, Haw. Luton 83