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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In Wiboldestone [Wyboston *] Eudo holds 6 hides and 3 virgates. There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne are 4I hides, and on it are 2 ploughs, and 8 villeins have 4 ploughs. There are 8 bordars and 3 serfs, and meadow (sufficient) for 2 plough teams. In all it is worth 3 pounds; (was worth) when received 20 shillings ; and T.R.E. io pounds. This land 4 thegns of King Edward held and could sell to whom they wished. In Chavelestorne [Chawston 2 ] Eudo holds 1 hide and I virgate. There is land for I plough, and it is there. There are 4 villeins, and meadow sufficient for I plough team. It is and was worth 10 shillings ; T.R.E. 20 shil- lings. This land 2 men of King Edward held and they could assign and sell it. In Bicheleswada [Biggleswade] Hundret In Tamiseforde [Tempsford] Eudo holds 1 hide and 1 virgate of land. There is land for 2 ploughs. In the demesne is I hide, and on it is 1 plough, and there is 1 villein with 1 plough and there are 2 bordars and 1 serf, and 1 mill (worth) 10 shillings, and meadow (sufficient) for 2 plough teams. It is and was worth 40 shillings ; T.R.E. 45 shillings. This land 2 sokemen held and could assign to whom they wished. In the same vill William de Carun 3 holds 4 hides and I virgate of Eudo Dapifer. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and 8 villeins have 2 ploughs and there are 6 serfs, and 1 mill (worth) 12 shil- lings, and meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough teams. It is worth 60 shillings ; (was worth) when received 40 shillings, and T.R.E. 60 shillings. This land 3 sokemen, men of Ul- mar of Etone [Eaton Socon], held ; one of these could not assign his land without his lord's leave ; the other two could do what they wished (with their land). In the Half Hundret of Weneslai 4 M. Sandeia [Sandy] Eudo 'Dapifer' holds. It is assessed at 16 hides and I virgate. There is land for 16 ploughs. In the demesne are 8 hides and 1 virgate, and on it are 3 ploughs, and 24 villeins have 8 ploughs and there could be 5 more. There are 6 bordars and 2 serfs, and 2 mills worth {de) 50 shillings, meadow sufficient for 16 plough teams, and pasture for the live stock of the vill. In all it is worth 1 In Eaton Socon. 2 In Roxton. 3 Robert de Carun was holding here in I 284-6, under the Beauchamp barony of Bedford (J.H.R.) 1 Now part of Biggleswade Hundred. 12 pounds ; when received 8 pounds; T.R.E. 10 pounds. This manor Ulmar of Etone [Eaton Socon], a thegn of King Edward, held. Eudo claims here 3 acres of woodland against Hugh Beauchamp which Ulmar held ; but R(alf) when he was sheriff disseised him, and accordingly Eudo has refused to give the ' wer ' {warms) of this woodland. 5 This {hoc idem) the men of the hundred (court) attest. In Suttone [Sutton] Alwin holds of Eudo 3 virgates of land. There is land for 6 oxen 8 (to plough), and they are there and I villein. There is meadow (sufficient) for the oxen. It is worth 6 shillings, (was worth) when re- ceived 3 shillings, and T.R.E. 10 shillings. This land 2 sokemen held and could sell to whom they wished. In Wichestavestou [Wixamtree] Hundret In Sudgivele [Southill] William de Caron holds half a virgate of land of Eudo. There is land for 2 oxen 7 (to plough), and they are there, and meadow (sufficient) for 2 oxen. It is worth 3 shillings, T.R.E. 4 shillings. This land Alric held and could assign to whom he wished, fo. aiab In Stanford [Stanford 8 ] William de Caron holds of Eudo 4 hides. There is land for 4 ploughs. On the demesne arc 2, and 3 vil- leins have 2 ploughs, and (there are) 2 serfs, and 2 mills worth {de) 29 shillings and 50 eels ; meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough teams, and woodland (to feed) 60 swine and (worth) 2 shillings (besides). In all it is worth 4 pounds ; (was worth) when received 40 shil- lings ; T.R.(E.) 4 pounds. This land Ulmar of Etone [Eaton Socon], a thegn of King Edward, held. In this land was I sokeman, man of this Ulmar ; he had half a hide and could sell. In the same (vill) are 7 sokemen holding 7 acres of land ; they were men of Ulmar and could assign their land. Hugh de Beauchamp (Belcamp) holds it now. In Bluneham [Blunham] Domnic' holds of Eudo 1 virgate of land. There is land for 2 oxen 7 (to plough), and they are there, and meadow (sufficient) for 2 oxen. It is worth 2 shillings ; (was worth) when received 3 shil- lings, and T.R.E. 5 shillings. This land 4 sokemen held and could assign and sell. 6 i.e. to pay what was assessed on it. 8 i.e. three-quarters of a plough-team. 7 i.e. a quarter of a plough-team. 8 In Southill. 235