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A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE received 50 shillings, and as much T.R.E. This manor Levenot, a thegn of King Edward, held. M. In Wimentone [Wymington] Osbert holds of Walter 4 hides as I manor. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 3 ploughs, and there are 1 villein and 8 bor- dars and 4 serfs with I plough. Meadow is there (sufficient) for 2 plough teams. It is worth 3 pounds, (was worth) as much when received, and T.R.E. 4 pounds. Lant, a man of Levenot, thegn of the king, held this manor, and there I sokeman had I hide and could assign it to whom he wished. In the same vill the same Osbert holds of Walter half a hide. There is land for a half plough, but it is not there. It is worth 2 shillings ; (was worth) when received 4 shil- lings ; and T.R.E. 10 shillings. This land Goduin Franpalt held and could assign to whom he wished. This same land Alvred of Lincoln claims against Walter the Fleming. 1 In Lalega [Thurleigh 2 ] Hugh holds of Walter 3 hides as 1 manor. There is land for 7 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs and 8 villeins have 5 ploughs. There are 12 bordars and 3 serfs and woodland (to feed) 150 swine. It is worth 100 shillings ; (was worth) when received 60 shillings ; T.R.E. 4 pounds. This manor Levenot, a thegn of King Edward, held. In the same (vill) Raynald holds of Walter half a hide. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough, and 4 bordars (are there) with 1 plough. It is worth 20 shillings, (was worth) when received 10 shillings, and T.R.E. 5 shillings. This land Ordric, a man of Levenot, held and could sell. In Bicheleswade [Biggleswade] Hundret In Stratone [Stratton 3 ] [ 4 ] holds 1 hide and 1 virgate. There is land for i£ ploughs, and a plough and a half plough could be there. 6 There are 3 bordars, and meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough team. It is and was worth 10 shillings T.R.E. and after [semper). This land Lewin a thegn 6 of King Edward held and could assign and sell. This belongs 1 See p. 249, note 2, above. 2 A third of a knight's fee in Thurleigh {Lego), is found held of the barony of ' Wahull ' (J.H.R.) 3 In Biggleswade. 4 Name omitted in MS. 6 Probably error for ' I plough is there, and there could be a half plough (more).' 6 MS. ' Steign.' and belonged to (jacet et jacuit in) Langeford [Langford], the manor of the same Walter. 7 In Holme [Holme 8 ] Walter holds 1 hide. There is land for ploughs. One plough is there, and there could be a half plough (more). There are 3 bordars ; meadow (suffi- cient) for 1^ plough teams. It is worth 20 shillings, (was worth) when received 16 shil- lings ; T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land 2 sokemen held and could assign to whom they wished. In Estwiche [Astwick] Hugh holds 1 vir- gate of Walter. There is land for 2 oxen 9 (to plough), and they are there. There are I bordar and I mill worth (de) 13 shillings. It is and was worth 16 shillings T.R.E. and after (semper). This land Lewin, a thegn of King Edward, held. M. Walter himself holds Langeford [Langford]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 16 ploughs. In the de- mesne are 4 hides and I virgate, and on it are 4 ploughs, and there could be a fifth. There are 12 villeins 7 bordars and 5 serfs with 9 ploughs, and there could be 2 ploughs more. There are 2 mills worth (de) 26 shillings and 8 pence, meadow (sufficient) for 16 plough teams, and worth 2 shillings besides (de super- plus). From pasture (come) 6 shillings, and there is pasture besides for 300 sheep. There is woodland (to feed) 16 swine. In all it is worth 15 pounds and 10 shillings, (was worth) when received 10 pounds, and T.R.E. 15 pounds. This manor Lewin, a thegn of King Edward, held, and there I sokeman had 1 hide and could assign it to whom he wished. In Wichestanestou [Wixamtree] Hundret In Sudgivele [Southill] Walter holds half a hide of woodland which his predecessor held T.R.E. In the same vill Alric holds of Walter 1 virgate. There is land for 4 oxen (to plough), and they are there, and meadow (sufficient) for 4 oxen. It is worth 5 shillings, (was worth) when received 3 shillings ; T.R.E. 10 shillings. This land Lewin, a thegn of the king, held in mortgage (vadimonio) T.R.E. But after King William came to England he 7 The down. Langford entry comes three places lower Biggleswade. a quarter of a plough-team. 250