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A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE XXXVI. THE LAND OF SIGAR DE CIOCHES In Stoden [Stodden] Hundret Sygar de Cioches holds in Estone [Easton 1 ] 2 hides of the king. There is land for 5 ploughs. In the demesne are 2 carucates of land besides the 2 hides, 2 and on it are 2 ploughs, and 6 villeins have 3 ploughs. There are 12 bordars and 2 serfs, meadow (sufficient) for I plough team, woodland (to feed) 60 swine. It is worth 4 pounds ; when received (was worth) 3 pounds ; T.R.E. 4 pounds. This land Wig, a thegn of King Edward, held and could assign and sell to whom he wished. XXXVII. THE LAND OF GUNFREI DE CIOCHES In Wilga [Willey] Hundret Gunfrey (Gunfridus) de Cioches holds in Hanewic 3 [Hinwick] 1 hide and 3 virgates. Tetbald holds of him. There is land for 3 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough and there could be 2 (more). There are 3 villeins. It is worth 20 shillings ; (was worth) when re- ceived 10 shillings; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land 2 sokemen held and could assign and sell to whom they wished. XXXVIII. THE LAND OF RICHARD SON OF COUNT GILBERT* In Bereford [Barford] Hundret Richard son of Count Gilbert holds in Subberie [Sudbury 6 ] 1 virgate of land which belongs to [jacet in) the church of St. Neot, and belonged thereto (jacuit in) T.R.E. In Wieoldestone [Wyboston 6 ] the monks of St. Neot hold of the aforesaid Richard 2 hides and half a virgate. There is land for a half plough, but it is not there. Woodland (is there to feed) 1 00 swine. It is worth 1 1 shillings, (was worth) when received a like sum; T.R.E. 21 shillings. This land be- longed to (jacuit in) the church of St. Neot, T.R.E., in almoin. 1 Co. Hunts (see Introduction). 2 See p. 229, note 2. 3 In Puddington or Podington.

  • Alias Richard ' de Clare' or ' de Tunbridge,'

ancestor of the house of Clare and founder of St. Neot's priory (J.H.R.) 6 In Eaton Socon. Mr, Airy described it as 'situated by the river at the northern extremity of the parish towards Little Paxton ' (J.H.R.) 8 In Eaton Socon. XXXIX. THE LAND OF RICHARD PUNGIANT 7 In Bicheleswade [Biggleswade] Hundret M. Richard Puniant holds of the king in Daintone [Dunton] 8 hides and [1 8 ] vir- gate as one manor. There is land for 8 ploughs. In the demesne are 4 hides and I virgate, and on it are 3 ploughs. There 12 villeins have 5 ploughs, and (there are) 2 bordars and 3 serfs, and woodland (to feed) 60 swine. In all it is worth 8 pounds, (was worth) when received 6 pounds, and as much T.R.E. This manor Archbishop Stigand held. In Tamiseforde [Tempsford] Robert holds of Richard P[un]g[iant] 2 hides of the king's fee. There is land for 2 ploughs. On the demesne is I plough, and (there are) 4 villeins with I plough, and meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough team. It is worth 30 shillings, (was worth) when received 20 shillings and T.R.E. 20 shillings. This land 3 sokemen held and could assign to whom they wished. In Wichestanstou [Wixamtree] Hundret In Sudgivele [Southill] Richard Pungiant holds half a hide of woodland which Arch- bishop Stigand held T.R.E. XL. THE LAND OF WILLIAM THE CHAMBERLAIN 9 In Manesheve [Manshead] Hundret William the chamberlain holds in Potes- grave [Potsgrove] 1 hide of the king. There is land for 1 plough and it is there, and mea- dow (sufficient) for 1 plough team. It is worth 15 shillings, (was worth) when received a like sum and T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land Morcar the priest of Lintone 10 [Luton] held and could sell. In Badelestone (Battlesden) Robert holds of William the chamberlain half a hide. There is land for a half plough. It is worth 5 shillings ; (was worth) when received a like sum ; T.R.E. 7 pounds. 11 This land Morcar the priest held and could sell. 7 He held land in six counties, but his whole fief was not large (J.H.R.) 8 This figure must be right, for the addition of the 1 hide and 3 virgates in ' Domtone ' (p. 231, above) completes the 10 hide unit (J.H.R.) 9 See Introduction. 10 For Liutone (see p. 222). 11 So MS. ; probably error for shillings. 252