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A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE L. THE LAND OF DAVID DE ARGENTAN (ARGENTOMO) In Stodene [Stodden] Hundret David de Argentan holds in Riselai [Riseley] i hide of the king. There is land for I plough, but it is not there. There are I villein and 3 bordars. It is worth 10 shil- lings, (was worth) when received 20 shillings and T.R.E. a like sum. This land Homdai a man of Earl Harold held and could sell to whom he wished. fo. 217 LI. THE LAND OF RALF DE INSULA 1 In Bicheleswade [Biggleswade] Hundret M. Ralf de Insula 1 holds of the king in Stratone [Stratton 2 ] 4 hides as one manor. There is land for 8 ploughs. There are 7 and there could be an eighth. There are 10 villeins and 2 bordars, and meadow (sufficient) for 4 plough teams. In all it is worth 12 pounds, (was worth) when received 3 pounds ; T.R.E. 100 shillings. This manor Stigand the archbishop held. M. Ralf himself holds Picheleswade [Biggleswade]. It is assessed at 10 hides. There is land for 10 ploughs. In the de- mesne are 5^ hides and on it are 3 ploughs. There are 7 villeins with 7 ploughs and 10 bordars and 3 serfs, and 2 mills worth {de) 47 shillings, meadow (sufficient) for 10 plough teams and (producing) 5 shillings from the hay. It is worth 1 7 pounds, (was worth) when received 15 pounds ; T.R.E. 10 pounds. This manor Stigand the archbishop held, and there 2 sokemen had half a hide which they could sell and assign. M. In Holme [Holme 2 ] the same Ralf holds 2 hides. There is land for 5 ploughs and they are there. There are 6 villeins and meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough team. It is worth 40 shillings, (was worth) when received 30 shillings, and T.R.E. 40 shillings. This manor Archbishop Stigand held and there 3 sokemen had 2 virgates of land and could sell. In Wichestanestou [Wixamtree] Hundret belongs to {jacet in) Bicheleswade [Biggles- wade] and it is valued {est appredata) there 3 ; and he who held it T.R.E. could not assign or sell it without the leave of him who held Bicheleswade [Biggleswade]. LII. THE LAND OF GOZELIN THE BRETON In Manesheve [Manshead] Hundret M. Gozelin the Breton holds of the king in Potesgrave [Potsgrove] -] hides as one manor. There is land for -] ploughs. In the demesne are 3 hides, and on it are 3 ploughs. There 3 villeins have 2 ploughs, and there could be 2 others and a half plough. There are 6 bordars and 3 serfs and meadow (suffi- cient) for 5 plough teams. It is worth 50 shillings, (was worth) when received 100 shillings ; T.R.E. 10 pounds. This manor 4 thegns held and could assign and sell their land to whom they wished. In the Half Hundret of Stanburge [Stanbridge] 4 Gozelin himself holds Gledelai [Gladley (farm) 5 ] for i hides. There is land for I plough, and there are there 4 oxen, 8 and I mill (worth) 16 shillings, meadow (sufficient) for 1 plough team, woodland (to feed) 1 00 swine. It is and was worth 20 shillings ; T.R.E. 40 shillings. This land Wigot, a huntsman of King Edward, held and could sell to whom he wished. Lin. THE LAND OF COUNTESS JUDITH In Radborgestoc [Redbornestoke] Hundret M. Countess Judith holds in Meldone [Maulden] 5 hides and virgates and the nuns of Elnestou [Elstow] hold of her in almoin. There is land for 5 ploughs. On the demesne are 2 ploughs, and 7 villeins have 3 ploughs. There are 2 serfs and 1 mill (worth) 3 shillings, meadow (sufficient) for 5 plough teams, and woodland (to feed) 100 swine. It is worth 60 shillings, (was 3 The reason for its being separately entered is evidently that it was assessed for ' geld ' in Wixam- In Wardone [Warden] the same Ralf tree Hundred as lying in Warden (J.H.R.) holds of the king virgates. This land 1 It is not certain how this name should be Englished (J.H.R.) 3 In Biggleswade. 256 Now part of Manshead Hundred. 6 Formerly in Leighton Buzzard ; now in Heath and Reach. It was a separate manor (J.H.R.) 8 i.e. half a plough-team.