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INDEX TO DOMESDAY Lidlington [Litincletone], 229ft Limbury, note 223a Lincolnshire, note 249a Lintone. See Luton Long Stow. See Stow. Loucelles [Locels] (Calvados), 201 Luton [Loitone, Luitone, also Lintone], 194, 222a, 223a, note 223a, 252b, note 252b, 264a Church of, 197, 222* Manshead [Manesheve, Mane-], Hundred of, note 216, 217, note 217, 218, 223*, note 223b, 231a, 234ft, note 236b, 238b, 242ft, 246a, note 2lb, note 248a, note 249a, 2526, 253a, 255ft, 2566, note 256b, 261a, 263a, 266b Marston Morteyne [Merestone, Merstone], 192, 231*, note 231ft, 243a, note 243*7, note 255b, 260a Shelton in. See Shelton Maulden [Meldone], 199, note 199, 231*, 238a, 243ft, 256*, 263* Melchboume [Melceburne], 196, 224* Meppershall [Malpertesselle], 212, 214, note 214, 255a Milbrook, Millbrook [Melebroc], 199, 243ft Millow [Melehou], 227a, 232a, 233ft Milton Bryant [Mildentone], 223*, 239a Milton Ernest [Middeltone, Mildentone], 202, 234a, 239/", 2443, note 2446, note 248ft, 249*, 260b, 2656 Newton Bromshold [Newentone], 196, 214, 225*, note 225ft Northants, 195, 200, 203, 214, 215, note 225b, note 226a, note 228a, note 236ft, note 260b, 266 Northill [Nortgible, Nortgivele, Nortgive], 192, 236a, 242*, 247ft Oakley [Achelei], 192, 247ft, 257ft Odecroft, Hundred of, 217, 223a Odeil [WadeUe, Wahull], 192, 199, 210, 212, 231a, 249ft Otone. See Wootton Ouse river, note 248ft Oustone. See Houghton Con- quest Pavenham [Pabeneham], 192, 211, 230ft, 248ft, note 248ft, 254ft Paxton, Little (Hunts), note 252a Pegsdon [Pechesdone] in Shilling- ton, 197, 228ft, note 228ft Perry, near Kimbolton (Hunts), note 215 Pertenhall [Partenhale], 215, 266a, 266ft Picheleswade. See Biggleswade Pileworde. See Tilsworth Podington, Puddington [Podin- tone, Potintone] (Podyngtone), 196, 214, note 216, note 225ft, 249ft, 251ft, note 251ft, note 252a, note 253ft, nnU 2 54*> 2 66ft Potsgrove [Potesgrava, Potes- grave], 192, 197, note 222ft, 252ft, 256ft, 263ft Potton [Potone], 204, 210, 258ft, 259ft Priestley [Prestelai] in Flitvvick, 213, 243a, 263ft Pulloxhill [Polochessele], 244ft Putnoe [Puttenehou], 237a, 237ft Radwell [Radewelle] in Felmer- sham, 193, 207, 245a, note 254a, 258a Raunds (Northants), 196 Redbornstoke [Radeburnesoca, Radbernestoche, Radborge- stoc, Ratborgestou, Ratber- nestoche, Ratborgestoche, Radburnestoc], Hundred of, 217, 218, 228a, 229ft, 2 3'*> 238a, 243a, note 243ft, 246a, 251a, 253a, 255ft, 256A, 260a, 263ft, 2( >5a Richards Castle (Herefordshire), 203 Ridgmont, note 251a Ridgmont, Segenhoe in. See Segenhoe Riseley [Riselai], 192, 196, 225a, 226ft, 237a, 239ft, 2 53*> 2 S6" Rothwell (Lines), note 249a Rots [Ros] (Calvados), 201 Roxton [Rochesdon], 192, note 235a, 240ft, note 240ft, note 246ft, 247a Rushden [Risdene, Risedene], 196, 214, 226a, note 226a, 236ft, note 249a St. Neot's (Einulfsbury), 198, note 198 Salford [Saleford], 238ft Salph End, Salpho [Salchou] in Ren hold, 238ft, note 238ft Sandy [Sandeia], 200, 201, 211, 213,216, 235a, note 247ft, note 254ft, noU 2 ^S a Beeston in. See Beeston Segenhoe [Segenehou] in Ridg- mont, 203, 212, 251a ' Segresdone,' 214, 216, 251ft Sewell [Sewelle] in Houghton Regis, 194, 205, 217, 223a Sharnbrook [Scernebroc, Serne- broc], 202, 206, 207, 213, 225ft, 226a, 231a, 240a, 251ft, 254a, 255ft, 2 5 8<J > 2 &J a 411 Shelton [Eseltone], 225a Shelton [Eseltone] in Marston Morteyne, 209, 243a, 255ft, 260a Shillington [Sethlindone], 212, note 228ft, 229a Pegsdon in. See Pegsdon Shrewsbury, 195 Shropshire, note 253ft Silsoe [Sewilessou, Siwilessou], 244a, 251a Souldrop, note 225ft Southill [Sudgivele], 203, 211, 213, 235ft, note 2 35*> 2 37*> note 237ft, note 2b, 247a, note 247a, 250ft, 252ft, 259ft, note 261b, note 264A Broom in. See Broom Stanford in. See Stanford Southwark, note 253a Spaldwick (Hunts), 215 Stagsden [Stachedene], 193, 213, 224a, 230ft, 237a, 257ft Stanburge [Stanbridge], Half Hundred of, 217, note 217, 223ft, 2 36*, 2 47*, 2 48a, 249a, 253a, 256A Stanford [Stanford] in Southill, 208, 235ft, 2 37*> 2 4 x *. 2 47 a » 261ft, 264ft Stanstead Abbots (Herts), 201 Stanwick [Stanewiga, Stanewici] (Northants), 214, 228a, note 228a Staughton, Little, 213, 215 Stepney, 197 Steppingley [Stepigelai], 246a Stevington [Stivetone, Stiven- tone], 202, note 202, 224a, note 224a, 230ft Stodden[Stoden, Stodene], Hun- dred of, 216, 217, 218, 223ft, 224A, 226a, 228a, note 229ft, 232ft, 234a, 236ft, 239ft, "<>te 244ft, note 2 47*> 2 49*> 2 S r *> 252a, 253ft, 256a, 257ft, 260b, note 261a, 265a Stondon [Standone], 229a, 262a Stotfold [Stotfald, Stotfalt], 198,. 200, 201, 238a, 262a Stow, Long, 215 (Hunts) Stratton [Stratone] in Biggles- wade, 203, 232a, 250a, 256a, 258ft Streatley [Stradlei, Stradli, Strail- lei], 192, 198, 200, 211, note 228ft, 233ft, 2 39 a » 2 44*> h6"> 264a Studham [Estodham], 198 Sudbury [Subberie], in Eaton Socon, note 198, 216, 252a, note 258a Suffolk, note 231ft, note 236a SundonfSonedone], 233a Sutton [Sudtone, Suttone], 201,. 205, 235ft, 2 59"« 2 H a