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A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Hypnaceje (continued) Homalothecium sericeum, L. Camptothecium lutescens, Huds. Brachythecium glareosum, B. & S. — albicans, Neck. — velutinum, L. — rutabulum, L. var. longisetum, Bry. Eur. Eurhynchium myosuroides, L. — striatum, Schreb. — crassinervium, Tayl. — piliferum, Schreb. — Swartzii, Turn. — pradongum, Dill. Rhynchostegium tenellum, Dicks. — confertum, Dicks. - — murale, Hedw. — ruscifolium, Neck. Plagiothecium denticulatum, L. var. aptychus, Spruce — undulatum, L. Amblystegium serpens, L. - — riparium, L. Hypnum aduncum, Hedw. var. Kneiffii, Bry. Eur. Hypnaceje (continued) Hypnum exannulatum, Gttmb. — Sendtneri, Schpr. Totternhoe ; proba- bly exterminated about 1890 — fluitans, L. — filicinum, L. — commutatum, Hedw. — cupressiforme, L. var. tectorum, Schpr. On thatch var. filiforme, Bry. Eur. On trees var. ericetorum, Bry. Eur. On heaths — resupinatum, Wils. — patientise, Lindb. — molluscum, Hedw. — palustre, L. — chrysophyllum, Brid. — stellatum, Schreb. — cordifolium, Hedw. — cuspidatum, L. — Schreberi, Ehrh. — purum, L. — stramineum, Dicks. FHtwick Hylocomium splendens, Dill. — squarrosum, L. — triquetrum, L. THE SCALE-MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS {Hepatic*) 1 There are about two hundred species of Hepatics catalogued for the British Isles and of these only about twenty appear in the appended list. It is evident therefore that there is room for original investigation of the local forms of these plants. It is desirable that modern records should be obtained for Abbot's J 'ungermannia viticulosa, J. tamariscifolia and J. jissa. MARCHANTIACEyE Marchantia polymorphs, L. Damp places, marshes and in greenhouses ; fre- quent Concephalus conicus, L. Banks of rivulets, etc. ; very local (Sewell) Ricciella fluitans, L. In still waters ; very local ; Luton Hoo, near the Lower Island JuNGERMANNIACE-ffi Frullania dilatata, L. On trees ; frequent Radula complanata, L. „ „ Porella platyphylla, L. On tree roots, in shady places ; not uncommon ; Cbaul End, Caddington, Luton Hoo Lepidozia reptans, L. Shady banks ; local ; Aspley JVoods, Heath and Reach Cephalozia divaricata, Sm., E. B. Shady banks, marshes, etc. ; local ; FHtwick, Barton, Heath and Reach Lophocolea bidentata, L. Damp woods ; frequent Jungermanniaceje (continued) Lophocolea heterophylla, Schrad. Damp woods ; frequent Diplophyllum albicans, L. Moist woods ; rare ; Heath and Reach Plagiochila asplenoides, L. Damp woods and shady banks ; local; Streat/ey, FHtwick Jungermannia bicrenata, Lindenb. On old tree roots on shady banks ; rare ; woodside by the path to Caddington Blasia pusilla, L. Banks of rivulets ; rare ; Hazelwood Lane, Abbot Pellia epiphylla, L. Ditch banks, etc. ; local ; Ampthill, FHtwick — calycina, Tayl. Banks of rivulets j local ; at the foot of Markham Hills Aneura pinguis, L. Banks of rivulets ; local ; Barton Springs — multifida, Gray. Woods ; common ; Abbot Metzgeria furcata, L. Shady banks ; local ; Limbury, Harlington, Ampthill James Saunders, Luton. 58