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BOTANY LICHENS (Ucbeni) Our knowledge of the lichens of Berkshire is in an even more elementary stage than that of the fungi. Beyond a few species collected by Mr. Baxter, Mr. E. M. Holmes and myself, and those mentioned in Leighton's Lichen Flora of Great Britain, scarcely anything is known. Collema crispa. Windsor Great Park nigrescens fascicularis Baeomyces roseus. Bagley Cladonia gracilis. Wokingham Usnea plicata articulata. Bagley Ramalina fastigiata Sticta pulmonaria Thelotrema lepadinum Physcia pulverulenta var. subvenusta. Windsor Great Park parietina f. cinerascens lychnea. Windsor ciliaris. FaringJon, Windsor Parmularia nigra Pannaria nigra psotina Lecanora murorum var. corticola laciniosa vitellina sub-sp. xanthostigma Lecanora aurantiaca luteo alba phlogina irrubata allophana Hageni orosthea var. sublivescens Lecidea alboatra var. epipolia caradocensis myriocarpa Opegrapha lyncea atra varia Graphis inusta f. macularis. Windsor elegans Verrucaria rupestris cinerea nitida mutabilis. Bagley Among special localities are the old walls of coralline oolite and the damp heaths of the Bagshot sands, as well as the trees of the extensive woodlands of the Kennet valley. FUNGI The very varied character of the soil of Berkshire afford a rich gathering of fungi ; and an autumnal walk through the extensive woods such as border the Kennet valley or those of Wytham and Bagley in the north, or the park of Bearwood and the chalk woods of Bisham and the great park of Windsor, will reward the student of this perishable order of plants a very numerous gathering. But it must be confessed that the information about the Berkshire fungi is very scanty, and that much remains to be done to bring the knowledge of their distribution to any degree of completeness. Mr. Baxter made a close investigation of the microscopic forms in the neighbourhood of Oxford. Bagley Wood proved a specially rich locality, and in his published set of dried specimens many of these species came from this and other localities on the Berkshire side of the Thames. Both Miss Beatrice Taylor and I collected many species from the Boar's Hill range, and I have seen how rich some parts of the Kennet and Loddon districts are. 6?