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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE ing (Hamm), Sulhamstead (Poulton), King's Weir and Midgham (Holland), Crookham Common near Newbury (Morley). Platycnemis pennipes, near Eynsham (Lucas), Bablock- hythe (East), King's Weir (Holland). Erythromma naias, Thames below Eynsham (East), King's Weir (Holland). Pyrrbosoma nymphula, Boar's Hill and near Wokingham (Hamm), Tubney and Midgham (Holland). Iscknura elegans, near Eynsham (Lucas), Radley College (Burr), Midgham, Tubney, Thames side near Kennington, and King's Weir where one variety of the female, rufescens, also was taken (Holland). Agrion pulchellum, King's Weir (Holland). A. puella, Maidenhead (Porritt), Midgham, Tubney, King's Weir, and Thames side near Ken- nington (Holland). Enallagma cyathigerum, Midgham and King's Weir (Holland). Of the PLANIPENNIA (Lace-wings, etc.) the following have been noted : Sialis lutaria (the Alder Fly), Thames side above Godstow (Holland), Crookham Common near Newbury (Morley), Thames side at Maidenhead, abundant (Porritf). Raphidia notata (a Snake-fly), Wokingham (Hamm). Osmylus maculatus, Wokingham, 1894 (Hamm). Sisyra fuscata, Thames side above Godstow (Holland), riverside at Maidenhead (Porritt). Hemerobius humuli, Boar's Hill (Poulton). H. stigma, Wellington College (Hamm). Chrysopa alba, Boar's Hill (Poulton). C. vulgaris, Wellington College (Hamm), Sandford-on-Thames (Lucas). C. septempunctata, Ferry Hinksey (Holland), East Ilsley (Hamm). C. ventralis, Wokingham, and Tubney Wood (Holland), Crookham Common near Newbury (Morley). C. perla, Thames side near Kennington and King's Weir (Holland). Panorpa communis, Tubney Wood (Holland), East Ilsley (Hamm). P. germanica, Tubney Wood and Thames side above Godstow (Hol- land), Boar's Hill (Hamm). Considering the number of British species, and the distribution of water in Berkshire, the list of recorded TRICHOPTERA (Caddis-flies) is somewhat disappointing. Phryganea grandis, Maidenhead (Harwood) . P. striata, Reading (Hamm) , Thames side near King's Weir (Holland) . Colpotaulius incisus, Thames side above Godstow (Holland). Grammotaulius atomarius, Reading (Hamm). Glyphottelius pellucidus, Cold-harbour near Oxford (Lucas), Woolhampton (Hamm). Limnophilus rhombicus, Reading (Hamm). L. lunatus, Port Meadow stream near Oxford, and Iffley (Lucas). Stenophylax permistus, Thames near King's Weir (Holland). Micro- pterna later alis, Woolhampton (Hamm). Notidobia ciliaris and Goer a pilosa, Thames side above Godstow (Holland), riverside at Maidenhead (Porritt). Lepidostoma hirtum, riverside Maiden- head, common (Porritt). Molanna angustata, Maidenhead (Porritt), Sandford-on-Thames (Lucas). Leptocerus annulicornis, Thames side above Godstow (Holland). L. cinereus, river- side at Maidenhead, abundant (Porritt). L. commutatus, Maidenhead (Harwood). Mysta- cides nigra, Kennet at Reading, and Woolhampton (Hamm), riverside at Maidenhead (Porritt), Port Meadow stream, Iffley and Sandford-on-Thames (Lucas), Thames side above Godstow and Boar's Hill (Holland). M. azurea, Maidenhead (Porritt). Hydropsyche guttata, river- side at Maidenhead (Porritt), Woolhampton (Hamm). Neuroclipsis bimaculata, Reading (Hamm). Polycentropus flavomaculatus, riverside Maidenhead (Porritt), and Sandford-on- Thames (Lucas). Cyrnus trimaculatus, Sandford-on-Thames (Lucas). weeneri, Thames side above Godstow (Holland), riverside at Maidenhead, common (Porritt), Iffley (Lucas). Lype ph&opa, Sandford-on-Thames (Lucas), Kennet at Reading (Hamm). Glosso- soma boltoni, Thames side above Godstow (Holland). Summary. Berks. Britain. Perlidia i 30 Ephemeridia, 5 39 Odonata, 22 42 Planipennia, 13 . . . . . . 55 Trichoptera, 25 ...... 163 (about) HYMENOPTERA The lists of the Cephidae, Tenthredinidae, Siricidae, Ichneumonidae and Chrysididae are due to Mr. Hamm, who has been assisted with names by the Rev. F. D. Morice and Mr. Claude Morley. Mr. Hamm is also responsible for the compilation of the Aculeata lists, in which he has been largely helped by Mr. W. Barnes, who has drawn up a very good list from the Reading district. Mrs. Cope (formerly Miss Thoyts) has contributed a good list from Sulhamstead, and Mr. L. Young a useful list from Bradfield. Mr. Harwood has also recorded a few species from the Maidenhead district; and we are greatly indebted to Mr. E. Saunders, F.R.S., for his kindness in naming and verifying many doubtful species in this group. 74 1