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INSECTS ALEOCHARIKA (continued) Aleochara bipunctata, Ol. Aid- worth (Joy) cuniculorum Kr. Aldworth (Joy) ; Kenwood, Tubney (Walker)

  • lanuginosa, Grav.

- succicola, Th. Bagley Wood (Lambert) mycetophaga, Kr. Well. Coll. (Joy) mcerens, Gyll. Well. Coll. ; Mortimer (Joy) t nitida, Grav. morion, Grav. Bradfield (Jy) Microglossa suturalis, Sahl. Bradfield (Joy) marginalia, Gyll. Bradfield (Jy) pulla, Gyll. Aldviorth (Joy) ; Tubney (Walker) nidicola, Fairm. Bradfield (Joy) ; Tubney ^ Oxypoda spectabilis, Mark. Bradfield (Joy) lividipennis, Mann. Brad- field (Joy) vittata, Mark. Well. Coll.; Bradfield, and Mortimer (Jy) opaca, Grav. Reading (An- dre wes) ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Cothill ; Wytbam (Walker)

  • alternans, Grav.

exoleta, Er. Reading ; Brad- field (Joy) umbrata, Grav. Bradfield (Jy) longiuscula, Er. Rennet side, Burgbfield formiceticola, Mark. Well. Coll. (Joy) recondita, Kr. Well. Coll. (Joy) haemorrhoa, Mann. Well. Coll. and Bradfield (Joy) annularis, Sahl. Well. Coll. (Joy) brachyptera, Steph. Tubney (Lambert) Thiasophila angulata, Er. Wind- sor Park (Blatch) ; Well. Coll. (Joy) inquilina, Mark. Well. Coll. (Joy) Ischnoglossa corticina, Er. Brad- field (Joy) Ocyusa incrassata, Kr. Well. Coll. (Joy) maura, Er. Grandfont, near Oxford picina, Aube. TbatcbamQoy) Phloeopora reptans, Grav. Quarry Woods and Lam- bourn (Harwood). ALEOCHARINA (continued) Phloeopora corticalis, Grav. Quarry Woods (Harwood) Ocalea castanea, Er. Bradfield (Joy) ; Bagley (Lambert) badia, Er. Bradfield (Joy) ; Bagley and Wytbam (Wal- ker) Ilyobates nigricollis, Payk. Brad- field (Joy) Calodera nigrita, Mann. Alder- maston (Joy) ; South Hinksey (Lambert) riparia, Er. Fy field (Butler) ; Thatcbam (Harwood) asthiops, Grav. Thatcham (Jy) Chilopora longitarsus, Steph. Aldermaston (Joy) Dinarda markeli, Kies. Windsor Park (Blatch) ; Well. Coll. (Joy); Burghfield dentata, Grav. Well. Coll. (Jy) Atemeles emarginatus, Payk. Bucklebury Common (Joy) Myrmedonia limbata, Payk. Well. Coll. (Joy) ; Chils- well Hills (Walker) funesta, Grav. Well. Coll. and Mortimer Gy) > Streatley (Lambert) humeralis, Grav. Well. Coll. and Mortimer (Joy) cognata, Mark. Mortimer (Joy) lugens, Grav. Well. Coll. (Jy) laticollis, Mark. Well. Coll. and Mortimer (Joy)

  • Astilbus canaliculatus, Fabr.

Callicerus obscurus, Grav. Bradfield (Joy) ; Boar's Hill rigidicornis, Er. Well. Coll. (Fowler) Thamiarasa cinnamomea, Grav. Bradfield (Joy) ; W ailing- ford (Lambert) hospita, Mark. Bradfield Gy) Notothecta flavipes, Grav. WeU. Coll. (Joy) confusa, Mark. Well. Coll. (Joy) anceps, Er. Well. Coll. (Jy) Alianta incana, Er. Bradfield (Jy) Homalota insecta, Thorns. Kennet side, Reading cambrica, Woll. Well. Coll. (Joy) gregaria, Er. Reading (An- drewes) ; Wallingford (Lambert) 83 ALEOCHARINA (continued) Homalota luridipennis, Mann. Well. Coll. (Joy) hygrotopora, Kr. Bradfield (Joy) elongatula, Grav. Reading (Andrewes) volans, Scrib. Thatcham (Joy) vestita, Grav. Bradfield vicina, Steph. Bradfield and Aldermaston (Joy) ; Wan- tage graminicola, Gyll. Thames side, Reading; Tbatcham (Jy) squata, Er. Well. Coll. (Joy) angustula, Gyll. Bradfield (Joy) ; Thatcham (Har- wood) ; Wantage linearis, Grav. Windsor Park (Blatch); Bradfield .. circellaris, Grav. Reading (Andrewes) ; Bradfield (Joy) immersa, Heer. Windsor Park (Blatch) ; Bradfield (Joy) cuspidata, Er. Quarry Woods (Harwood) ; Bradfield and Aldworth (Joy) analis, Grav. Bradfield (Joy); Wallingford (Lambert) exilis, Er. Thatcham (Joy) depressa, Gyll. Bradfield and Aldworth (Joy) xanthoptera, Steph. Well. Coll. and Bradfield (Joy) euryptera, Steph. Bradfield (Joy) trinotata, Kr. Well. Coll. (Barnes) fungicola, Thorns. Well. Coll. (Barnes) ; Tubney liturata, Steph. Windsor Park (Blatch) sodalis, Er. Aldworth (Joy) gagatina, Baudi. Reading (Andrews) divisa, Mark. Windsor Park (Blatch) ; Tubney (Walker) scapularis, Sahl. Bradfield (Joy); Wytbam (Walker) celata, Er. Windsor Park (Blatch) sordidula, Er. Bradfield (Jy) canescens, Sharp. Windsor Park (Blatch) macrocera, Thorns. Ferry Hinksey atramentaria, Gyll. Reading longicornis, Grav. Bradfield (Joy)