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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE LEPIDOPTERA This list is almost entirely due to Mr. Holland and Mr. Hamm ; help has also been given by the following : Mrs. Chorley (formerly Miss M. Kimber, of Cope Hall, Newbury), Mr. A. H. Clarke, Mr. E. Meyrick, the Rev. C. R. Digby (a good list of rare micros), Lieut.-Col. Mochler-Ferryman, Mr. J. H. Durrant, Mrs. Bazett, Mr. Wells, Mr. A. Sidgwick, Mr. N. V. Sidgwick, Mr. Pogson-Smith and Mr. Geldart. Mr. Holland has also made use of a list of insects captured at Burghfield by the Rev. C. S. Bird (Entom. Mag. vol. ii., 1835), and of these he writes as follows : ' Many of Bird's species used to be looked on with doubt, but I have my- self taken and verified most of them as occurring there still.' RHOPALOCERA. PlERIDJE Aporia crataegi, Linn. Burgh- field (Bird) ; near En- borne (Steph.). Now ex- tinct.

  • Pieris brassicae, Linn.
  • rapx, Linn.
  • napi, Linn.

Euchloe cardamines, Linn. Leucophasia sinapis, Linn. Burghfield (Bird) ; Brad- field (Joy) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) Colias hyale, Linn. Well distri- buted but very uncertain edusa, Fabr. Occurs every- where, but irregularly 'Gonopteryx rhamni, Linn. NYMPHALID;E Argynnis selene, Schiff. Local in woody places. Plenti- ful at Wokingham, Burgh- field, and Aldermaston Park ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Tubney (Walk- er) euphrosyne, Linn. Fairly general in woods ; often abundant in several woods latona, Linn. Mr. J. Clarke of Reading saw a specimen in 1867 or 1868, in the cabinet of a grocer at Henley, the owner of which stated that it had been taken on the Park Place estate, in the county of Berks aglaia, Linn. Local, but sometimes common where it occurs ; Sandhurst (Mochler - Ferryman) ; Well. Coll. ; Burghfield ; Ufton; Aldermaston Park adippe, Linn. Common in many woods paphia, Linn. Widely dis- tributed in woody places ; the var. valezina, Esp. occasionally at Basildon and Streatley NYMPHALIDJE (continued) Melitasa aurinia, Rott. Burgh- field (Bird); Tilehurst, near railway station, once. Particularly abundant at Enborne (Steph.); Newbury (Mrs. Chorley); Cothill (Jackson) ; Bagley Wood (A. Sidgwick) athalia, Rott. Well. Coll., several in 1899 (Wells) ; Bagley Wood Vanessa c-album, Linn. Bagley Wood (W. H. Draper) (Newm.) ; also more re- cently (Lambert), and 1901 (Jackson) polychloros, Linn. Gener- ally distributed, some- times abundant, as in 1874, l8 93> an d I 9 I

  • urticae, Linn.
  • io, Linn.

antiopa, Linn. Taken in Berks (Steph.) ; White- knights' Park, Reading, in August 1872 (Wilkins) ; Burghfield, two specimens seen in 1892 (Wallis) ; Ardington, two specimens taken in September 1880 (C. L. Lindsay)

  • atalanta, Linn

t cardui, Linn. Limenitis sibylla, Linn. Local, but sometimes tolerably common. Mortimer; Burghfield; Ufton; Pad- worth; Aldermaston Park; Bradfield (Joy) ; Enborne Copse (Steph.) ; one near Bagley Wood, July 15, 1897, by W. R. Strick- land APATURID.E Apatura iris, Linn. Mortimer ; Burghfield ,- Ufton (W. Barnes) ; Padworth ; Al- dermaston Park ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Enborne Copse (Steph.) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; Bagley Wood (W. J. Lucas) IOO SATYRIDJE Melanargia galatea, Linn. Very local, but plentiful where it occurs. Mortimer ; Burghfield, by G. W. Rail- way bank ; Streatley Hill ; The Downs ; Tubney ; Henwood ; Lamboum (Blair)

  • Pararge egeria, Linn.
  • megaera, Linn.

Satyrus semele, Linn. Local, but generally common where it occurs. Sand- hurst (Mochler-Ferry- man) ; Wokingham, on the heath ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Newbury (Mrs. Chorley) ; on the downs, but not commonly

  • Epinephele janira, Linn.
  • tithonus, Linn.
  • hyperanthus, Linn.

"Ccenonympha pamphilus, Linn. Thecla betulae, Linn. Burgh- field (Bird) ; Bradfield (Joy) ; Wallingford (Cole- man) ; at Bagley it is not uncommon in open places, and round the edges of the wood. W-album, Knoch. Local and irregular in numbers. Maidenhead (A.H.Clarke); Sonning ; Burghfield (Bird); Ufton (W. Barnes) ; Bradfield (Young) ; Streat- ley ; Lambourn (Blair) ; Tubney quercus, Linn. Common generally in oak woods. At flowers of the lime in Aldermaston Park it is particularly easy to catch rubi, Linn. Widely distri- buted and sometimes common Polyommatus phloeas, Linn. Var. schmidtii, Gerh. at Streat- ley and Henwood 'Lycsena aegon, Schiff. On most of the heaths in abundance

  • astrarche, Bgstr.