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INSECTS ARGYRESTHIIDJE (continued} Argyresthia dilectella, Zell. Streatley t curvella, Linn. sorbiella, Tr. Bulmershe Park ; gardens near Read- ing pygmaeella, Hubn. Sonning (Digby) ; Sulham ; Streat- ley

  • goedartella, Linn.
  • brochella, Hubn.

arceuthina, Zell. Sulham, among juniper Cedestis farinatella, Dup. Bul- mershe Park, among fir ; Barcote (Durrant) Ocnerostoma piniariella, Zell. Well. Coll.; Bulmershe Park, among fir ; in gar- dens about Reading GRACILARHDJE Gracilaria alchimiella, Scop. stigmatella, Fab.

  • elongella, Linn.

tringipennella, Zell. Sonning (Digby) ; Tilehurst ; New- bury (Meyrick) ; Boar's Hill (N. V. Sidgwick); Barcote (Durrant)

  • syringella, Fab.

omissella, Dougl. Sonning (Digby) phasianipennella, Hubn. Sonning (Digby) auroguttella St. Sonning (Digby) ; Wokingham ; Pangbourne Coriscium brongniartellum, Fab. Sonning (Digby) ; near Reading ; Newbury (Meyrick) sulphurellum, Haw. Streat- ley (Meyrick) Ornix avellanella, Sta. Sonning (Digby) ; Sulham, among oak ; Newbury (Meyrick) ; Barcote (Durrant)

  • anglicella, Sta.

t betulae, Sta. fagivora, Sta. Sonning (Digby) torquillella, Sta. Sonning (Digby) ; Reading ; New- bury (Meyrick) guttea, Haw. Sonning (Digby) ; near Reading (Mrs. Bazett) ; Boar's Hill (S.) COLEOPHORID.S: tColeophora fabriciella, Vill. deauratella, Lien. Boar's Hill (N. V. Sidgwick) COLEOPHORIDJE (continued) Coleophora fuscocuprella, H.-S. Aldermaston Park (Mrs. Bazett) alcyonipennella, Kol. Son- ning (Digby) ; Barcote (Durrant) paripennella, Zell. Sonning (Digby) potentillae, Sta. Near Read- ing (Mrs. Bazett) lixella, Zell. Sulham pyrrhulipennella, Tisch. Newbury (Meyrick) albicosta, Haw. Bulmershe Park ; Padworth, among furze ; Boar's Hill (S.) anatipennella, Hubn. Son- ning (Digby) var. albidella, Sonning (Dig- by) t palliatella, Zinck. ibipennella, Heyd. Sonning (Digby) ardeaepennella, Scott. Son- ning (Digby) discordella, Zell. The chalk downs near Streatley therinella, Tgstr. Basildon Park graminicolella, Wk. Near Reading (Mrs. Bazett) troglodytella, Dup. Pad- worth lineolea, Haw. Sonning (Digby) murinipennella, Fisch. Finchampstead (Digby) ; Bulmershe Park

  • caespititiella, Zell.

laripennella, Zett. Sulham- stead ; Streatley ; New- bury (Meyrick) apicella, Sta. Finchamp- stead (Digby) ; Newbury (Meyrick) argentula, Zell. Sonning (Digby) juncicolella, Sta. Newbury (Meyrick) laricella, Hubn. albitarsella, Zell. Sonning (Digby) ; Newbury (Mey- rick)

  • nigricella, St.

t fuscedinella, Zell. orbitella, Zell. Finchamp- stead (Digby) gryphipennella, Bouche. Sonning (Digby) siccifolia, Sta. Sonning (Dig- by); Burghfield, among birch bicolorella, Scott. Near Reading viminetella, Heyd. Sonning (Digby) COLEOPHORID.S (continued) Coleophora olivaceella, Sta. Near Reading solitariella, Zell. Sonning (Digby) ; Newbury (Mey- rick) t lutipennella, Zell. badiipennella, Fisch. Twy- ford; Sonning (Digby) t limosipennella, Fisch. wilkinsoni, Scott. Alder- maston Park (Mrs. Bazett) ELACHISTID/E Batrachedra praeangusta, Haw. Sonning (Digby) ; Reading (Mrs. Bazett) ; Midgham pinicolella, Dup. Sonning (Digby) ; Bulmershe Park Chauliodus illigerellus, Hubn. Sonning (Digby) ; in wil- low beds near Pangbourne and Midgham, common chaerophyllellus,G6ze. Burgh- field ; Newbury (Meyrick) Laverna propinquella, Sta. Sonning (Digby) ; by the Thames near Reading lacteella, St. Sonning (Dig- by)

  • epilobiella, Schr.

- ochraceella, Curt, Sonning (Digby) ; Streatley and Midgham (Mrs. Bazett) subbristrigella, Haw. Sonning (Digby) ; Boar's Hill (N. V. Sidgwick) - vinolentella, H.-S. Near Reading hellerella, Dup. Sonning (Digby) atra, Haw. Near Reading - rhamniella, Zell. Near Reading (Mrs. Bazett) Chrysoclysta linneella, Clerck. Near the gaol, Reading, on lime trunks (F. Barnes) schrankella, Hubn. Sonning (Digby) t aurifrontella, Hubn. Anybia langiella, Hubn. Son- ning (Digby) Asychna modestella, Dup. Son- ning (Digby) ; Newbury (Meyrick) terminella, Dale. Sonning (Digby) Antispila pfeifferella, Hubn. Sonning (Digby) ; Basildon treitschkiella, Fisch. Son- ning (Digby) Stephensia brunnichella, Linn. Streatley, East Isley Elachista albifrontella, Hubn. atricomella, Sta. Sonning (Digby) ; Tilehunt