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INSECTS CAPSIDJE (continued) tPlagiognathus arbustorum, Fabr. viridulus, Fall. CRYPTOCERATA NAUCORID./E Naucoris cimicoides, Linn- Fyfield (Butler); North Lake, Bulmershe Park, Reading Aphelochirus sestivalis, Fabr. Near Bagley Wood (Saun- ders) NEPIDJE Nepa cinerea, Linn. Ranatra linearis, Linn. Sonning meadows, on water plants (W. Barnes); Burghfield (Bird); Tubney (Walker) NOTONECTIDJE Notonecta glauca, Linn, var. maculata. Burghfield (Bird) CORIXID.K Corixa geoffroyi, Leach. sahlbergi Fieb. Fyfield (Butler) ; Wokingham ; Tubney linnzei, Fieb. Fyfield (Butler) striata, Fieb. Fyfield (But- ler) ; Bulmershe Park, Reading distincta,Fieb. Fyfield (But- ler) maesta, Fieb. Tubney limitata, Fieb. Near Read- ing (Barnes) HOMOPTERA CICADINA ClCADID/E Centrotus cornutus, Linn. Reading; Burghfield Issus coleoptratus, Geoffr. Burghfield ; Aldermaston Cixius pilosus, Ol. Reading; Bagley Wood nervosus, Linn. Reading; Tubney ; South Hinksey DELPHACID* Liburnia lineola, Linn. Fyfield and Maidenhead Thicket (Butler) ; Bagley Wood vittipennis, J. Sahl. Fyfield (Butler) perspicillata, Boh. Fyfield (Butler) pellucida, Fabr. Fyfield (Butler) ; Ferry Hinksey DELPHACIDJE (continued) Liburnia difficilis, Edw. South Hinksey limbata, Fabr. Tubney Triecphora vulnerata, Illig. Reading ; Bagley Wood Aprophora alni, Fall. Bray and Fyfield (Butler) ; Reading; Burghfield salicis, De G. Ferry Hink- sey CERCOPIDJE Philaenus spumarius, Linn. campestris, Fall. Reading; Theale exclamationis, Thunb. Read- ing; Wantage lineatus, Linn. Ascot (Butler); Reading; Wan- tage LEDRIDJE Ledra aurita, Linn. Reading; Burghfield; Tubney ULOPID.S: Ulopa reticulata, Fabr. Read- ing PAROPID.K Megophthalmus scanicus, Fall. Fyfield (Butler) ; Tubney BYTHOSCOPIDJE Macropis lanio, Linn. Read- ing ; Sulham Bythoscopus rufusculus, Fieb. Reading flavicollis, Linn. Reading; Boar's Hill Pediopsis tibialis, Scott. Fyfield (Butler) ; Reading scutellatus, Boh. Burgh- field cereus, Germ. Padworth Idiocerus distinguendus, Kbm. Bray (Butler) vitreus, Fabr. Bray (Butler) fulgidus, Fabr. Reading populi, Linn. Fyfield (But- ler) confusus, Flor. Sulham albicans, Kbm. Bray (But- ler) Agallia puncticeps, Germ. Fyfield (Butler) TETTIGONID.K Evacanthus interruptus, Linn. Reading acuminatus, Linn. Reading ; Ferry Hinksey Tettigonia viridis, Liv. Fyfield (Butler); Burghfield; Aldermaston 119 ACOCEPHALID.B Acocephalus nervosus, Schrk. Fyfield (Butler) ; Reading ; Tilehurst albifrons, Linn. Bessels- Leigh Eupelix cuspidata, Fabr. Read- ing JASSID.E Athysanus brevipennis, Kbm. Fyfield (Butler) sordidus, Zett. Ascot (But- ler) ; Burghfield ; Botley obscurellus, Kbm. Well. Coll. Deltocephalus pascuellus, Fall. Ascot and Fyfield (Butler) ocellaris, Fall. Fyfield (Butler) coronifer, Marsh. Maiden- head Thicket (Butler) argus, Marsh. Reading pulicaris, Fall. Fyfield (But- ler) ; Ferry Hinksey Allygus mixtus, Fabr. Read- ing Thamnotettix subfuscula, Fall. Tubney splendidula, Fabr. Read- ing Limotettix 4-notata, Fabr. As- cot (Butler) ; Wantage sulphurella, Zett. Fyfield (Butler) ; Wantage Cicadula metria, Flor. Maid- enhead and Fyfield (But- ler) sexnotata, Fall. Ascot (But- ler) ; Ferry Hinksey cyane, Boh. Fyfield (Butler) TYPHLOCYBID.SE Alebra albostriella, Fall. Fyfield (Butler) Dicraneura flavipennis, Zett. Ascot and Fyfield (Butler) Eupteryx atropunctata, Goeze. Fyfield (Butler) ; Walling- ford ; Tubney germari, Zett. Burghfield concinna, Germ. Alder- maston Typhlocyba ulmi, Linn. Pang- bourne cratajgi, Dougl. Padworth rosae, Linn. Reading PSYLLINA PSYLLIDJE Psylla cratzgi, Schr. Wantage Trichopsylla walkeri, Forst. Fyfield (Butler) Trioza albiventris, Forst Reading