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A HISTORY OF BERKSHIRE 1883. Another was found in a dying con- dition in a garden close to the borders of Berks and Hants in 1893 (G. F. Phillips). Mr. Bradshaw saw another caught by a man named Little at Messrs. Huntley & Palmer's, Reading, on October 24, 1899, which was kept alive till October 27. 214. Fork-tailed or Leach's Petrel. Oceano- drome leucorrhoa (Vieillot). One was shot near Newbury in 1872 (Zool. 1873, p. 3455), and another found dead under the telegraph wires at Hurst on November 10, 1899 (Bradshaw in lit.). 215. Storm-Petrel. Procella ria pelagica, Linn. Mr. Bicheno has recorded one taken near Newbury in Berks (Yarrell, p. 43, ed. 4). On March 7, 1871, Mr. Herbert saw one that had been picked up dead near Wantage some time prior to that date (Zool. 1871, p. 2563). Another was recorded in the Oxford Times as having been shot on the river near Kennington Island. ADDENDA 47. Waxwing. Ampelis garrulus, Linn. On 3 April, 1905, a pair were seen by Major Proctor on Maidenhead Thicket. 48. Pied Flycatcher. Muscicapa atricapilla, Linn. A pair built a nest in an old pollard elm on the Bath Road, near Reading, in June, 1897 (Norman May in lit.) 63. Lesser Redpoll. Linota rufescens (Viellot). Comparatively common in the summer of 1905. On 29 May of that year a nest of newly-hatched young was found by the writer at Hennerton. 73<j. Lapland Bunting. Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.) Four seen 2 February, 1905, near Wellington College, and one again, 26 February, near the station (E. F. A. Hay). 99<z. Scops Owl. Scops gui (Scopoli). One was caught alive under a turnip leaf at Ashdown Parkin 1858, and presented to Gould by Lord Craven (Gould, Birds of Great Britain, i. 33). loia. Montagu's Harrier. Circus cineraceus (Mont.) A male caught in a trap at Kingston Bagpuze about 26 April, 1902, passed through the hands of Mr. W. C. Darbey of Oxford for preservation. 107. Honey Buzzard. Pernis apivorus (Linn.) A specimen killed at Shottesbrook about 1866 (W. J. Robson). Another killed at Park Place in 1810 is still in the collection of Lord Malmesbury. 108. Peregrine Falcon. Falco peregrinus, Tunstall. A bird of the year shot at Hurst on 18 December, 1902. Another killed at Manor Farm, Longworth, 4 December, 1903 ; and a young female at Maiden Erleigh on 16 December, 1904. no. Merlin. Falco eesalon, Tunstall. A male killed at Shinfield, I January, 1903, and a female at Twyford, 20 January, 1904 (G. A. Topp). 115. Gannet. Sula bassana (Linn.) A fine adult male was taken in an exhausted condition at Grazeley on 20 May, 1902, and sent to Mr. G. A. Topp for preservation. 1 1 6. Common Heron. Ardea cinerea, Linn. A nearly white specimen was killed at Stratfield- saye on 21 December, 1905 (G. A. Topp in lit.) 1 20. Bittern. Botaurus stellaris (Linn.) Two were killed at Thatcham Marsh in the winter of 1894 (N. May in lit.) 127. Whooper. Cygnus musicus, Bechstein. Mr. P. W. Munn has the skull of a whooper shot near Newbury in 1838. 129. Common Sheld-Duck. Tadorna cornuta (S. G. Gmelin). A fine female sheld-duck was picked up in an exhausted condition at Shinfield on 1 6 February, 1904, and passed through Mr. G. A. Topp's hands for preservation. 131. Shoveler. Spatula clypeata (Linn.) One shot by Mr. Wearing at Manor Farm, Longworth, on 18 February, 1904 (T. Drew in lit.) 155. Quail. Coturnix communis, Bonnaterre. The Rev. J. G. Cornish records eggs having been taken at Lockinge in 1902, and Mr. Norman May sent the writer a quail killed on 5 September, 1904, near Tilehurst Station. 174. Woodcock. Scolopax rusticula, Linn. A nest was found at Fence Wood, Hermitage, in the spring of 1903 (Rev. J. G. Cornish in lit.) 181. Ruff. Machetes pugnax (Linn.) A male in change plumage was killed by Mr. George Hoyle, near Wellington College, in the autumn of 1900, and some of the feathers were sent to the writer by Mr. E. F. A. Hay, of Welling- ton College, for identification. 183. Green Sandpiper. Totanus ochropus (Linn.) One killed on 30 July, 1902, at Grazeley, and another at Stratfieldsaye on 18 November, 1905 (G. A. Topp in lit.) 203<z. Guillemot. Uria troile (Linn.) One picked up dead near Newbury on 13 February, 1904 ; previously seen alive by Mr. Shooter (G. A. Topp in lit.) 214. Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel. Oceanodroma leu- corrhoa (Vieillot.) One found dead at Binfield Manor, Bracknell, in December 1905, and sent to Messrs. Rowland Ward for preservation. This is mentioned in The Field as having been killed at Caversham. 166